Chapter 12 - The Snake

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"Have you heard?" Eva Eskers asked Alexia and Daphne at lunch on Saturday morning.
"Heard what?" Daphne asked.
"The Weasleys and Harry Potter left earlier this morning."
"Why?" Alexia and Daphne said in unison.
Eva shrugged, "Something to do with a family emergency."
"But Harry Potter isn't part of that blood-traitor family?" Daphne said.
"Yeah, he has no family." Alexia exclaimed.
Daphne laughed a little and Eva shrugged again.
"I wonder what the emergency was though," Daphne said after a little while, "Alexia, I think it's time for major scheming. I want to find out."
Alexia pursed her lips and nodded, "It does seem odd. Come on!" She said standing up quickly and poking Eva's back to get her up, "I have a school to rule and that Mudblood friend of theirs to blackmail!" she announced, and the three got to work.

The last Quidditch match before Christmas break was scheduled for Saturday, so most of the school had abandoned their books and had headed out into the cold and snowy grounds to watch Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw play. But Alexia knew better. She knew Hermione Granger wouldn't be wasting a Saturday afternoon watching Quidditch when there was a quiet, half-empty castle. She would be making the most of it in the Gryffindor Common Room or Library.
Once everyone had found their way to the Quidditch Pitch, Alexia headed up to Gryffindor Tower to wait for Hermione Granger.

"I'm not letting a Slytherin enter!" The portrait of a Fat Lady said in a surprisingly deep voice.
"Oh be quiet," Alexia muttered, "I wouldn't want to go in such an infested tower anyway."
She waited a good ten minutes infront of the portrait until it finally swung backward to let someone out. Alexia turned, but it wasn't Hermione Granger, it was a first-year boy with big front teeth. Alexia returned to her tough looking stance with her arms folded. The boy looked at her with a frightened expression.
"What?" She snapped at the boy.
"I-" he choked, then turned and ran off down the stairs.
Alexia rolled her eyes and sighed.
"What or who are you waiting for?" The Fat Lady asked.
Alexia looked up at her with an amused face, "I don't think that concerns you, you're just some pathetic painting!"
The Fat Lady's face twisted into an ugly, disgusted look but before she could say anything, she was forced to swing backward and let a bushy haired girl out of the tunnel the portrait revealed.

"Hermione Granger," Alexia said, appearing infront of Hermione who hadn't noticed Alexia standing there.
Hermione gasped, almost dropping her books.
"Thought I'd find you here," said Alexia, "is this all you do? Study?"
"What do you want, Alexia?" Hermione asked, looking around in hope of a witness incase Alexia did anything.
"Where did Potter and the Weasleys head off to this morning?" Alexia questioned.
"Why would it matter to you? You only care about yourself." Hermione said.
"Oh, I'm not saying I care, sorry to break it to you, I just want to know and you are going to tell me!"
"I don't think so," Hermione said, bracing her books closer to her chest.
"I do," replied Alexia, and Eva, who had been keeping a watch of the portrait hole since after lunch incase anything happened, appeared behind her. Alexia put her hands on her hips and gave Hermione her usual look up and down.
Hermione took a step backward, "Well if you desperately want to find out," she said trying to keep her voice strong and steady, "I'm not the one to ask, because I honestly don't know."
Alexia had to blink twice. It wasn't the answer she was expecting. "Nice try, Granger." She spat.
"I'm telling you the truth. I'm on my way to see Professor Dumbledore now, he's going to tell me, and when I get back, I doubt I'll tell you, Alexia, sorry." and with that, she turned on her heel and headed off down the stairs.

Alexia stared out to where Hermione had just disappeared for a good minute before turning to Eva, who looked too scared to speak. The Fat Lady was sniggering behind them. "You're lucky we have another plan, otherwise someone's ears would be hexed off right now!"


The two girls found Daphne, who had been keeping watch out in the grounds at the edge of the castle.
"Daph," Alexia said approaching her, "What's happening?"
"Good timing! Ravenclaw just caught the snitch!"
"Yeah, pretty quick."
"Everyone should be coming soon then."

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