Chapter 29 - Changing for the Worse

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A/N: there is some dialogue towards the end of this chapter that is from the original Order of the Phoenix book. Once again, that is all the wonderful JK Rowling's work. Feel free to skim over it if you don't like reading parts of the original book in fanfictions. It's just there to make things more like the story. This chapter isn't too eventful, but trust me, the next few will be much more exciting and I think a lot of you will be happy!


Draco followed Alexia down the dungeon corridor to the large dungeon hall that was always empty and no one ever seemed to use. The hall was cold and smelt of dust. There weren't any windows that let light stream in from the Black Lake, so the room was absolutely pitch-black, causing any shadows to dissolve into the surrounding darkness.

"Incendio," Alexia said, flicking her wand at a torch on the wall. It came to life, glowing a fiery, bright light. She repeated the incantation three more times at three other torches. The hall was illuminated in a flickering orange glow. She then turned towards Draco who had just entered the hall and swished her wand once more, making the door shut. "Here," she said, handing Draco the letter her father had sent her.

"Thanks," Draco replied, taking it from her. He unfolded it and began reading;


It's difficult being a father to such an extrordinary child. I have failed that task and I have failed you. I am so incredibly sorry I have not been around to see you grow up into the beautiful young witch you are today. I am so proud of you and apologise for my delay in writing to you since my escape. I don't ask for your forgiveness, I ask only that you believe this; I love you as I've always loved you and always will.

I wish so many things were different but they are not. I have discovered in life, that such evil exists and my life has never been the same since. This evil is the evil that had me walk away from my beautiful daughter whom I love so much. You know this evil, Alexia. It is the evil that came from the people who told you that I never loved you or that a wrongful man like myself never deserved to be a father anyway. It is the evil that took you from me no matter how hard I fought.

I'm sorry I wasn't there to see you board the Hogwarts Express on your very first day at school, I'm sorry I wasn't there to hold you when your heart hurt, and I'm sorry I wasn't there to tell you how much you mean to me. I never wished for any of this to happen, but at the time I believed being faithful to the Dark Lord and honest to the Ministry, my family would one day be repaid and I would be reunited with you.

Over the past months, I have been moving all over the country in hiding with many of the other Death Eaters. It has been difficult for me to find a safe time to myself to write to you. I understand the Easter break is coming up, however both your mother and myself believe it is best for you to stay at Hogwarts. It is safer there and I may not even be able to make it home to see you, which I know will only let you down once again.

I understand Alexia if you don't want to forgive me. In the end, I will respect whatever you decide. Just know that I am here and I haven't forgotten you, and I haven't stopped loving you. Someday very soon we will be reunited as a family. I miss you dearly and hope you are doing your best at school.


Your Father

Rufus Burke

Draco finished reading and looked up at Alexia. She was staring at the ground, fiddling with her wand.
"That's..." Draco quietly said, but he couldn't find the right word to finish the sentence.
Alexia looked up, understanding him she gave a small nod, "Yeah."
"Are you alright?"
"I don't know," Alexia replied, "I've been wanting a letter from him for so long but it just came so unexpected."
Draco nodded.
"I'm not sure how I am supposed to feel, Draco." she said, her voice shaking. "It's the most beautiful letter I've ever read and I'm so happy to hear from him finally, but part of me is angry that it's taken so long, so angry that I could light the letter on fire right now and watch it burn." She put her hand to her face and let out a long breath, closing her eyes.
Draco put his arm around her and held her tightly close to him, "It's okay, Al, you're allowed to feel like this."
"I'm so sick of feeling like this though. Angry and sad and happy, all at the same time." she said. "When everything ended with Blaise, I said I would go back to the old me, but I haven't felt like the old me at all. Even when I'm blackmailing people or being a complete bitch, there's still a part of me inside that hurts."
Draco stroked her long, beautiful hair, "I'm always going to be here for you, Alexia."
She looked up at him and smiled, "Thank you, Draco," she said, "I'll always be here for you too."

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