Chapter Nine: Clarkes final breath

Start from the beginning

I gently cupped her cheek and leaned in for a kiss, this time it wasn't passionate it was need.

I broke the kiss off and she looked at me one last time before she left.

Lexa's PoV

These words was breaking my heart but I knew she was right, I did look a mess but I would never agree with her.

I didn't want to leave her, every bone in my body became stubborn and wanted to stay, It took every thing I had to look at her one last time, I say one last time because I knew in the morning she would get up and run away again.

She wasn't running away from me, she was trying to run away from her self and its all because I made her kill all them people at mount weather, Clarke couldn't live with her self for what she has done.


I walked into my room, it felt strange I have spent two months in Clarke's room.

I shut the door behind me and slid down to the floor leaning against the door I finally let it out, all the tears I was holding back, so my guards couldn't see, so Clarke couldn't see.

I always had to be strong for every one else but this time I couldn't fight it, I clutched my hand to my mouth, trying to drown out the sound.

I don't want my guards to hear and I surly didn't want Clarke to hear, she think she's doing what's best for me and maybe she was right but that didn't make it hurt any less.

Clarke's PoV

As soon as Lexa left I went over to the bed and flung my self on it, cradling the pillow tears running faster down my face now, "I made the right choice, I made the right choice, I had to, I had to do this" I kept repeating and reminding my self.. "I did this for Lexa, for the one I love."

I must have fallen asleep because I was back at Mt. weather everyone was eating dinner and chatting away I walked closer, that's when I realised there was something thing wrong with these people, their skin was red, burnet, eyes was handing down from their sockets, skin melted, I had never seen anything like this before.

I waked forward slowly and the woman closest to me looked up and pointed "You" she said, every one then looked at me.

They all got up to come forward they walked like a zombie, I once saw in a movie back when I was on the Ark with Wells.

"I'm so sorry" I said raising my hands and slowly walking back, then I hit a wall behind me and realised there was no where else for me to go.

"You... killed us" the shouted there most have been about three hundred people, they was all shouting at once! I raised my hands to cover my ears as I slid down to the floor, they seemed to becoming closer and closer... I screamed and sat up with a jolt.

I can't take this is anymore! I screamed to my self. I looked around and saw that Lexa had left her knife on the table, I ran over to it and reached out to grab it, my hands still shaking I heard a voice.. "Go on Clarke, take the easy way out" it was Mia.

I looked at her then the knife and then back at her, "You deserve to die, for what you have done"

I clutched the knife harder in my hand.

Lexa's PoV

I just up out of bed hearing Clark scream, I went to grab the door handle when, I stopped my self.

Clarke doesn't want me to go in.. a hundred thoughts ran through my head, I was debating with me self, not sure what to do, I couldn't stand to hear her in pain but I couldn't betray her again.

I stood there for a few minutes before I finally made my mind up, I'd rather have Clarke hate me for betraying her than stay her and listen to her scream in pain.

I pulled the door open and ran down the corridor, I pulled on Clarke's door handle but it was looked, Clarke never looks her door I thought to my self..

I kicked the door open with such force, it swung open.
I looked over at the bed, nothing, I looked over at the corner where Clarke normally goes to hide, nothing, just then I notice Clarke on the floor by the table.

I noticed she was holding my knife in her hand, there was blood everywhere.

Clarke?, Clarke! I ran over to her, the blood was coming from the wrists, she had sliced her wrists.

"Get help" I shouted at my guards

I looked down at Clarke grabbing her face with my hands "hold on Clarke,"

"You can't leave me, Iv just got you" I said cradling her and putting her head on my chest, tears running down my face.

she looked up into my eyes and said "I forgive you for everything Lexa, this is not your fault, I can't forgive my self for what I have done, I can't live with it anymore, the pain won't go away".

"I don't think I can live with out you" I said between sobs
"You must Lexa! promise me, you won't do anything stupid!".

"I pr..promise" I said stuttering it out, the tears running down my face harder now.

I looked into her eyes and I knew, that healer won't get to get in time "I love you Clarke, I will always love you!"

Clarke started gasping for air.. "I love you to Lexa" and with that she took her final breath.

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