Amanda gripped the chair behind her as she took a step away from me while pointing to the door, "Get. Out."

"Way ahead of you," I said as grabbed my black hoodie from the couch. I opened the door and slammed it behind me.

Jay made eye contact with me. She looked at the door, where Amanda's cries could be heard, then turned to me.

"They really should make that door more soundproof." I said, pulling my hoodie on and putting my hands in the pockets as I waited for her to say something.

"You really know how to blackmail people." She stood up and walked towards the door but I grabbed her wrist.

"Don't. Last thing she needs is a girl crying about her problems." I said letting go of her wrist, refusing to make eye contact again.

"You have no idea why I'm here—"

"Neither do I care." I shrugged, making eye contact with calm big brown eyes as I icily glared at her.

"Those drugs really did change you. They seem to have swallowed that small lump you used to have. What's it called again...?" Jay snapped her fingers and her eyes lit up as if she finally remembered the answer to a hard question, "A heart, that's right." She raised her eyebrow at me, a flat tone curling around each word, "Not that you wanted it. Probably happy it's gone."

"Excuse me?" I growled, taking a step towards her though she didn't even flinch.

She stared up at me, our chest inches apart as I glared down at her. She seemed completely calm, even though I was the reason for her social embarrassment, even though she was the reason I was still breathing.

"For your information, those drugs made me happy—"

"Mangos make me happy." She said thoughtfully, "Having no control over my body and mind, ehhhhh not so much."

She gave me pout before turning around and pulling a piece of paper out of her bag. She pressed it against my chest as she walked past me, "Try mangos; they taste so much better than drugs do."

"How'd you know?" I yelled after her as she walked down the hall.

She kept walking, "Why'd do you think I come each Wednesday?"

I looked down at the piece of paper to find a pamphlet for a smoothie bar that was advertising their newly added "Mango Magic" smoothie.

I glanced behind me when the sound of glass shattering echoed from somewhere behind the door. The incident about Brian Buckley was simply a theory, I had no idea it was true.


Fleck held up a punching bag, which I hit in a rhythmic pace, each time pointing out how each punch was weaker than the last.

He moved aside at one of the punches and let me fall forwards; I fell to my knees and leaned over for breath.

"What happened to you kid? Even with a few days off, you shouldn't be this shit." He looked down at me as I gasped for air, leaning on the boxing cage rope for support

"Nothin'... Nothin' happened." I lied.

"Something did happen. Now are you going to tell me or keep fighting?" He watched as I stood up and swung a punch towards him. He blocked my lousy punch and hit me hard in the stomach.

I fell to the ground and lay there, rolling onto my back putting one glove over my eyes.

"I fucked up, okay?" I said, roughly, through clenched teeth, forcing myself not to throw up the vomit that sat deep in my throat.

"What did ya do?" Fleck asked softly and calmly, looking down at the boy he'd claimed as his own.

"I took drugs."

Fleck's boot hit the side of my stomach sending the vomit into my mouth; I couldn't breathe. I rolled on my side and coughed for air.

He was talking fast of how I could've died, as I tried to vomit up everything in my throat so I wouldn't die from lack air.

"What did I tell you?" He yelled.

"Oh shut up." I said hoarsely, staring down at the pile vomit, that was scattered across the mat, and coughed again, "It fucked up my body."

"It could've bloody fucked up your mind! You could have easily got addicted and BAMN! That's your life done- wasted. How'd did you even make it home alive?" He growled down at me. My vision blurred and my nails dug into the mat.

"Don't remind me." I moaned. Fleck threatened to kick me again and I knew he would, "A girl from school found me, called my brother."

Fleck pinched the bridge of his nose, "You better bloody well kiss the ground she walks on."

"I've already got stuck in a tree with her. I don't want to spend more time with her." I spat, trying to get the taste of vomit out of my mouth.

"Let me guess, you didn't even thank her?" Fleck gave me glare when I didn't answer his question, "You are going to go thank her, tomorrow or I swear you will not be allowed in this gym again. Do I make myself clear?"

"Crystal. You son-of-a-bitch."


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