4. the pursuit of happiness

Start from the beginning

I almost did. I almost tried to be a McKinin but somewhere deep down I knew I'd never be good enough. Leaving my car keys on the table, I opened the front door and slipped out.

No one knew I'd left. No one cared either.
I wasn't listening to Red. I just knew they'd steal my car tyres if I parked my car where I was heading.

It was interesting to watch the houses in each neighbourhood decrease in worth as I walked further away from the rich part of the city.

It was a slow walk but I reached my destination around 9pm. Hoping they were open, I knocked on the wooden door.

Buck opened the door and his eyes widened when he saw me.

"Soren? You're early today." His matted orange hair has been dyed green and his brown eyes seemed misted over.

"Yeah." I grunted in response.

"Whatcha need kid?" He smiled, a lazy smile, like he didn't have full control over his facial expressions.

"I want to forget." I stared him straight in the eyes and watched as he grinned. It was a terrifyingly happy grin.

He opened his breast pocket and pulled forth a small packet filled with what seemed to be purple beads.

"Just got these in today."

"I don't do drugs, Buck. I just want alcohol." I pinched the bridge of my nose; we did this every time.

"No kid! These are different. Trust me. You'll forget with just one. I'm serious it's amazing." He spoke fast and excitedly, as his foot tapped the ground slowly.

I stared at the pills wearily. Fleck said alcohol ruins my body, which affects my training but he said drugs were even worse.

Buck suddenly slowed right down all his movements. He blinked once and looked at the packet, "It makes you...happy."

"Happy?" I was trying to make eye contact but he was so focused on the packet.

Buck grunted in return as he stared intently at the packet like it was his lifeline.

"I don't know what that feels like..." I whispered too awkward to look at Buck at all.

"You wanna know what it's like to be happy?" Buck was already unsealing the packet as he grabbed a pill, "It's nice kid. It's really nice."

I held out my hand as he placed it on my palm, "What's in it?"

"The usual but they said it had that little extra." Buck slurred as I brought it up to my lip, "You'll be happy now."

I couldn't focus on Buck as my vision went blurry, he grabbed my shoulder and ushered me inside.

"I'd like that..."


I cleaned the final desk with alcohol cleaner and wiped the sweat that had formed on the edge of my hairline.

Dexton paid me the money and told me to be careful on the way home, like he said everyday. Today was no different: school, then work.

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