"Althea, is that you. " a voice of familiar man coming from the kitchen stunned me and Althea causing us to look at each other.

" Y-Yes Dad " she responded trying not to sound so nervous.

I looked at Althea and made our way to the kitchen where I saw my Tito Felix fixing coffee. He turned to us and smiled.

"Goodmorning kids, where have you been?" I did't see you last night after dinner" Dad said calmly as he sip his coffee eyes on us.

" Oh yes Dad, I accompany Jade to the dock She wants to see the new yacht" althea said trying to be calm but I felt her hands sweating she still holding my hands so I pressed it gently and she looked at me. Glad we are behind the counter.

"Oh alright, you can tour Jade around the property this whole day. Ask Gab, you can go sailing too. The weather is nice. We leave in the afternoon. " Tito Felix said smiling.

" Okay Dad" Althea sigh in relief and smiled at me. We're about to leave when

"Althea... " we stop in our tracks

"Breakfast is ready in the gazebo, you should eat first before you drag Jade to your business" goodness He really did got us in this.

"Okay Dad, I know okay" Althea said kind of irritated and pulled us out of the kitchen. I glance back at Tito Felix and saw him wink at me and smiled. ... -_- 😉My Ninong is such a funny tease I thought.


"Thea, you're zoning out again, what are you thinking?Thea, It's Jade again?"
Batchi whispered to me so the others will not hear.

It makes me guilty to the fact that Im with them but my thoughts aren't. When I saw Kathleen lately I just smiled at her and had gone silent. Im thankful Batchi save me from all the talking being a great bff that she is. The memories started to come over again. I remembered how Jade got jealous over Kathleen the entire time as the later's advances on me got so obvious that time. Our group knew about that since she's an open bisexual and expresses her feelings openly while Jade cannot and I love how Jade got jealous and over react to those act Kathleen throws at me. She is so cute when mad. Ah... can I really get over her?

"Guilty" I sighed to Batchi frown evident in my face.

"Just please try to have a good time okay" Batchi encourage as she tapped my back.

"I'll try" I nodded and managed a small smile then caught Kathleen's eye looking at me seductively. Oh shoot.


"Are you ready love? " I said to Jade excitedly.

"Im born ready Althea" she winked at me and smile seductively as I put her helmet on. She held me by my waist and pulled me closer and plant a sweet kiss on my lips.

"I love you Al... " she said as she touch my left cheek.

" And I love you more... " I smiled

" Is that so? how can you say that? " she blushed and smiled shyly.

" I just know... "

" But it doesnt mean... I love you less okay " she countered.

"I know... I didn't say that" I laughed at her logic.

"Okay then, Good. " She smiled and stole a kiss again as she put my helmet on. I cant get enough of this girl I thought.


Wherever You Will Go (Rastro Fanfic)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin