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When I woke up the next morning, I turned to my right and found myself looking at a blank wall, no Matthew to be seen. I had assumed he went to the bathroom. Not thinking anything of it, I got out of bed and kept thinking of last night and how Matt apologize to me. I also thought about how jealous he got over Nash and  I hugging. It was just a hug.. right? At least that's what I kept telling myself. Slowly walking down the stairs I heard noises in the kitchen, and to my surprise I found Matt cooking a wonderful breakfast. "Matt..? What is this?" I said with a grin on my face. "You didn't have to.."

"But I wanted to." He laid three plates on the table. One for mom, himself, and I. "I'm not a good cook," he looked over at me, continuing. "but I think I can make a mean scrambled eggs, bacon and pancakes." I giggled and sat down. "Dig in, babe- Uh I mean Maddie. Sorry..." he quickly turned away, as if he had just done something really wrong.

Mom walked into the kitchen and smiled. "Why thank you, Matthew. Bonus husband– sorry, boyfriend points for you." She clapped and joined me for breakfast. "Sit." She commanded. "Let's pray." Matt and I's fingers began to slowly interlace. I gave him a weak smile then shut my eyes. "Lord, please bless our food.." as my mom said the prayer, I peeked over to Matt who had his eyes close at this time, and thought of the day I first met him. I thought of how crazy it was that day. How he invited me over to the hotel, and even how he tweeted me earlier that day. I also thought of the days I was in the hospital and he was there to comfort me. I couldn't get my eyes off of him and how charming he was. Matt made me so happy.. but was he the only one? "Amen." Mom opened her eyes, let go of my hand and looked at me. "Madeline, what are you doing?" I blinked quickly and looked at her.

"Let's eat!" Matt chuckled and dug into his food. It was the cutest thing ever. Five minutes later, mom had finished and left to work, once again, leaving Matt and I in a dim silent room.

"Listen, about last night.."

"Don't." I interrupted. "I forgive you." I stood up and took my plate to the sink. "I was overreacting."

"You?" Matt walked over to me. "Maddie, I was being ignorant. I had forgotten the most important things here." He put his hand over my stomach and smiled. "They're first. I got jealous for nothing and it was stupid."

I turned the faucet off and looked right into his shiny brown eyes. "It wasn't stupid. You were right to get jealous. I don't know what I was thinking when I was hugging Nash.. I just thought that maybe because you broke your promises it was okay to–"

"My promises," Sighing, he looked down at my ring. "I've thought about that night ever since it happened. The moment I left your house I regretted everything I said. That car ride was the worst. When I got home, I knew I had to do something, I just didn't know how and I was already too busy. I didn't have time but that doesn't mean it left my mind. Every day I've been trying to better myself and trying to figure out a way to make it up to you. I never meant to hurt you. God maddie, I love you so fucking much. You're the best damn girl I've ever seen and I need you in my life. The month that we hadn't spoke killed me. Earlier when I called you baby, was the worst. I didn't mean to make it awkward, I just wasn't sure if you were okay. But it killed me too, because you are my baby. I couldn't bear to live another day without you. I want you in my life forever. I need you, forever." He pulled me in and hugged me tight. The babies began to kick softly.

"Do you feel that?" I chuckled. "Someone's happy." He pulled away and looked into my eyes. Closer than before, he leaned in and kissed me.

"I needed that." He said detaching from my lips. "I'll clean these plates up, and you can go upstairs and do whatever. I have to leave soon for a meeting," he pouted. "But I'll be back at 8." I shot him a smile and went upstairs.

My phone began to ring. When I went to check who was calling me, my stomach sank. "Hello?"

"Hey.. you good?"

"Yeah I'm okay."

"I know we didn't have enough time to talk last night but I'm really glad I still got to see you and know you're okay."

"Thanks." I hesitated. There was a long pause after that.

"That hug.." Nash added. "Did it mean something?"

"What do you mean? It was just a hug."

"Yeah but it wasn't a hug you'd give a random stranger-"

"Of course not." I added.

"It also wasn't the kind of hug you gave your mom, Jenni, or even Matt."

"I was exhausted Nash."

And then he went for it.

"Maddie.. just tell me if you like me the way I like you." There was 30 seconds of silence. "I don't want to watch you be with Matt if you don't like him entirely. I know you Maddie. I went to your baby check ups and was there for you even when it was difficult for me to be there because Matt doesn't want me with you. He knows we have a connection. I know we do. Just tell me you want me the way I want you."

I hung up.

Quickly, I dialed Jenni. Voicemail. "Jennifer, you need to answer your phone. NOW."

I heard two knocks at my bedroom door. "Maddie, im leaving." Matt called out. I walked over to my door and as I was turning the door knob, Nash called me again. "Maddie.. I gotta go. You gunna open the door?"

"Answer your phone!" Nash texted me. "We need to talk."
Sorry for not updating :( I've wanted to but it's my freshman year in high school. It's so hectic.

I Got Her Pregnant. {Matt Espinosa Fanfic}حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن