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School wasn't exciting, it never is. After school was my makeover session with Jenni. We drove to the mall and went to some of the best and most expensive stores. "Where did you get this gift card anyway?" I asked.

"That will not be revealed." Jenni winked and chuckled. We kept looking for shirts, skirts, ripped high waisted jeans, and high waisted shorts. It was all really cute and I don't know why I never dressed like this before.

When all the shopping for me was done we ended up with $290. Still a lot of money, so we used it for makeup products, curling irons, and a flat iron. I never thought I'd say this, but I'm in love!

We went to the bathroom at the mall and I changed to my new clothing and put some makeup on. "One last thing..." Jenni said. She came closer to me and took my glasses off. "Perfect. You're stunning. You were beautiful before but now you're absolutely gorgeous!" She smiled. "I'm proud of myself."

I looked in the mirror this time. Beautiful. I thought. For once I felt comfortable in my body.

"And uh.. I also have these.." She took two tickets out if her purse and said, "WE'RE SEEING MATT THIS FRIDAY!!!"

"OH MY GOSH ARE YOU SERIOUS?!" I took the tickets and jumped up and down. "I LOVE YOU!" I told her. I hugged Jenni so tight I thought she'd break, but she hugged me tight too. "Who else is on the tour?!?!"

"He has it on his tour picture on twitter! I'll be driving us there on Friday at 9 AM so be ready!" She told me.

"No.. I can't go. I have a big presentation Friday." I pouted. "Got my hopes up and I can't even go anymore."

"Don't be sad Maddie! We can fix this, and you are going!" She assured me with a serious face.

"But how?!"

"You can present Thursday! No biggie.. Right?"

"You're kidding right?! Do you have any idea how tough Ms. Locy is or can be?! She hates my guts too. She'll never let me present early. She'll have a stupid excuse like, 'Your presentation will take too long. I have plans for Thursday and I can't do it any other day.' Why even ask her if I know the answer?" I told Jenni in despair.

"You don't know that for sure. Maybe she wants you to present early to get over with you." Jenni laughed, and that's when trouble walked out of the stall. Literally. The most popular (and most rude) girl in school walked out of the bathroom stall and looked at Jenni and I like we were crazy. "You two? Meet The Matthew Espinosa? I feel sorry for him." She laughed.

"Why are you so mean Jess? You don't have your possy to back you up so tell us now. What did we do?" Jenni asked.

"Come on Jenni.. Lets just go.. We shouldn't even have been talking in the bathroom." I told her.

"And who's this?" Jess came closer to me. "Is that.. Maddie? Oh my.. I couldn't recognize you under all that makeup. Ha, for a second I thought you actually looked decent. Now that I know who you are, all I see is a fake."

"Did you really just say that?" Jenni asked. "I can beat your ass and pull your fake eyelashes, hair extensions, nails, and boobs right off your fake ass body. That's right, I know you stuff your bra. You're more fake than Barbie, bitch."

"Do you think you're like Kevin Hart? 'Oh I'm Jenni, I'm so funny! Love me.' You're so desperate. It's whatever honey, but I'm going to leave your cave now. I'll see you at there." She put a fake smile on her face and walked out.

"Did she just say she'd see us there?! As in Matthew Espinosa's tour?!" I whispered to Jenni.

She shrugged and mouthed, "I hope not."

I Got Her Pregnant. {Matt Espinosa Fanfic}Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin