Found You

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"Matthew??" I shook him vigorously.. Hoping he might wake up. "What did you do to him?" I asked Jonah.

He was silent.

"Matt, please, if you're listening, say something." I was worried, confused more like it.

He began to open his eyes slowly. "Maddie?" His tired voice barely made it out of his mouth.

"Oh my god Matt you're awake." I hugged him tightly, and whispered, "he has my phone. I don't know who he is but he knows me and he knows I'm having twins."

Matt stared at me, clueless. I was sure it was a lot to take in, especially since he had just waken up.

"Where are we?" He asked me.

"In a van, not sure who's it is... he said we were going to the hospital.. I don't know why either. I'm scared Matt. I don't want him to harm the babies."

He got up quickly, and reached for hi left pocket. "I still have my phone." He quietly whispered to me.

"What's going on back there?" Jonah yelled. "Don't make me pull over."

We were quiet. No sound from anything.

"I'll text jenni." Matt told me.

"Found Maddie. Stuck in a van with a stranger. Call 911."

Jenni swiftly responded. "On it.. Be careful. I love you guys."

I felt the car coming into park.

"At our destination." Jonah gave us an evil smile. "You both should be happy I'm doing this."

"Why are you doing this? I don't have anything you want."

"You have everything I want, Madeline." He got out of the car and opened the back doors. He grinned at Matt and wrapped his strong hand around my forearm. Jonah started pulling me out of the car, and into the hospital, leaving Matt behind. "You're going to calmly enter this building."

"What are we doing here????" I asked, super worried, words could not describe the thoughts going through my mind.

He looked at me up and down. "My sister is a doctor here."

I was confused. But didn't say anything further, we slowly walked in and asked for Dr. Rolends, Jonah's sister. We sat in waiting room A, and soon she called Jonah's name. She took us into a room, and told me to lay on the bed.

"What's going on??" I asked.

"You're aborting your kids, remember?" Jonahs sister put her gloves on and server tools on the table.

"No! I can't! I'm three months away.. It's too late for abortion!!"

"You're 24 weeks in which means you can still abort." She reassured me.

"I didn't ask for this."

"Yes you did, now lay on the bed, babe." Jonah's look on his face was calm, and he was smiling, as if this was all okay.

"Don't, call me that." I sternly told him. I looked over at Dr. Rolends and tried thinking of a way to get out. "I need to go to the lady's room."

"Of course, down the hall to the left." She pointed my path out and I left as quickly as I could.

"Maybe I should follow." Jonah said behind me.

"No Jonah, a lady needs her privacy." Dr. Rolends looked at me and smiled. Once they weren't looking, I made a run for the van. I banged on the windows, hurting my knuckles.

"Matt! Please, tell me you're still there." I cupped my hands around my eyes and looked through the tinted glass.

No one.

Then, I felt a tap on my shoulder.
"I found you."
15k READERS! Surreal feelings.
Thank you guys.

I Got Her Pregnant. {Matt Espinosa Fanfic}Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum