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They stared at me with complete silence. Then finally Jenni went out with it, "you might not be a mother anymore.."

I stared at her, wishing this was all a nightmare. "this is a joke right?" I felt as if I couldn't breathe and my heart dropped to my feet. My eyes began to water and I felt my palms warm with sweat. "how?" I looked around at their blank faces, hoping there was an answer. "what happened?"

"You said you didn't feel so well, and you fainted.. But the fall was hard. You fell forward, onto your stomach. Causing damage to your baby. When you fell down, the police let go of the man and ran upstairs to check on you. Which let the man get away and you end up in the hospital." Nash said.

My jaw dropped in awe. I lead my hands toward my stomach and rubbed it gently, hoping my baby was fine, and still there. "I need to leave." I demanded, "I can't be here any longer!"

"I don't think that will be happening today." Dr. May said walking into the room. "we may need to keep you here for the week.. You can only have one person stay with you. If you want to see others, they'll have to come during visiting hours, but even then we will only allow two people in at a time.."

"What?! This is so unfair! Please.." I pleaded.

"Rules are rules Ms. Bosanko. Please pick who will be staying and who will go." She gave me a dark glare as she waited for an answer.

"I really think this is a time for Matt and I to get everything together and sort our minds. Please understand when I say I want Matt to stay.." I told my friends.

"Don't worry Maddie.." Jenni held my hand and smiled. "I wish you the best, I'll be here everyday."

"We'll bring your mom.." Cam said.

"My mom.." I gasped. "I haven't told her about anything, please just tell her I'm at a camp. I'll tell her what's going on, just not like this."

"No problem." Cam smiled and took Jenni's hand. "We'll see you tomorrow Maddie." They got up and left the room leaving Nash and Dr. May in the room with me.

"I understand your decision. I'll text you. Keep me updated Maddie, I lov- I mean, I'll come by later." Nash quickly got up and left the room.

"That boy is madly into you." Dr. May giggled. "alright, where's Matt?"

"He's probably in the hall or something.. I'll call him. Can you give me my phone, it's on the table." She gave me the phone. Then I called Matt. "Can you come back into the room?"

"Why?" He sniffled.

"We need to talk.. you up for staying with me?" I asked nervously.

"Of course Maddie.. Ill be there in five minutes. I came to the store across the street, I needed to leave that depressing building."

I chuckled and whispered, "I love you." Then hung up. Dr. May looked at me confused, but didn't say anything.

"We won't do anything to you tonight, tomorrow we will. Sleep well." she walked out and soon I found myself alone.

I Got Her Pregnant. {Matt Espinosa Fanfic}Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu