"Her uncle is Dr. Cullen" Bella said with a small smile aimed at Eden, although it was a good save from a conversation that shouldn't have been awkward for a normal human being, it still made Eden want to jump off a cliff at the mention of the Cullens.

"Cullen? As is Edward, Rosalie, Emmett, Alice and Jasper? The Cullen's?" Jessica blurted out in disbelief , for some reason she felt the need to mention all of the Cullen's names as if Eden wouldn't have known who they were if she didn't.. Her dark blue eyes were wide and her mouth was open in an 'o' shape. Eden hesitantly nodded, unsure why she seemed so interested. She wasn't sure what's up with this school, it seemed as though everyone was interested with her family and it made Eden hate all of the attention.

Jessica's instantly smiled wider, she was now interested at the new girl and was eager to learn more about her. Eden wished Bella would've warned her, or even Edward about the severe interest that comes with being a Cullen.

"Well why don't you tell us more about them, ya know? Introduce them to us, tell us all the juicy goss." Jessica asked, smirking as she laid her hand on her chin and moved closer to Eden. In that moment Eden decided she wanted to murder Jessica as brutally she could, the human was annoying her with all of these questions but then swiftly changed her mind when she remembered Alice would have predicted it already in her visions.

"Well Edward is blood relative, he's my second cousin and I guess I'm the closest with Rosalie." Eden said coldly. She didn't want to satisfy Jessica's need for 'juicy goss'. The humans smile slowly went down before going up again. Mike noticing the tension between the two attempted to tap Jessica on the shoulder but was ignored.

"Really? Hm, tell us more, please." Jessica smiled brightly, she eyed Eden with great interest. Jessica was pissing off Eden with every passing minute, the urge to rip off her tongue was becoming stronger. The hate for the human leach surprised Eden, she doesn't usually get annoyed this quick but maybe being caged in for decades has lowered her patience.

"How about you mind your own business please? Hm?" Eden snapped, rolling her eyes as she stabbed a bit of chicken from the food that she had brought and forcefully ate it while glaring at Jessica. The silence that followed was too awkward, Eric and Angela stared at each other with wide eyes whilst Bella stared at Eden in surprise before shifting closer to her and softly laid her hand on top of Eden's. Bella wanted to comfort her new friend- despite not being the best at it and without realising Eden began to calm down.

"Don't want to sound rude but how come you weren't here when your family first enrolled here?" Angela questioned confused, wanting to soften the atmosphere but still having her questions answered. She gentle brown eyes and they reminded her of Edward's before he was turned, it made Eden like her.

"I was at a boarding school" Eden lied and gave the group a fake smile. Eden knew the group were probably nice people but it was too much human interaction for her. She began to feel overwhelmed. Whatever break this was, Eden needed it to end quick.

"So what are you guys doing after school?" She questioned, pretending to be interested and wanting the topic of her life to go. Mike was eyeing Eden in awe for some reason and Jessica was glaring at her. She felt like she was in some teen movie made in the early 2000's that Alice forced her to watch.

"Well they are going shopping and I was planning on joining them but I may go meet my friend, Jacob." Bella answered with a smile and shifted in her seat. Nodding in fake interest, Eden became distracted from her thoughts.

She wanted to go with Bella because the less people there is the better, but at the same time the inner teenage girl in her wants to be liked and go with the others- despite the tense situation she just had with Jessica moments before. Then there's also the coyote in her that just wants to go into the woods and relax, something she's hadn't gotten the chance to do in a long while. Eden never really experienced the full teenage years because she was caged, a shudder ran through her body as she thought back of that place.

" Bella do you mind if I go with you to meet um, Jacob?" Eden asked with a shy smile, she looked down as she realised Bella may accept out of politeness but she doesn't want to go out with the group if Bella doesn't go.

"Of course" Bella replied, a grin on her face and pushed her shoulder against Eden's.

"So it's sometime this weekend, you should come if Bella's plans don't work out" Angela invited Eden with a wide smile, Eden quickly smiled and nodded. She can maybe- just maybe be a normal teenage girl. Angela seemed really nice and Eden liked that, she hasn't had a friend in a while and she's just glad she's made a second one.

"Are Mike and Eric coming?" Bella questioned curiously.

"Nah, they don't like shopping with us, Mike thinks it's too girly for his reputation- whatever that means," Jessica butted in, rolled her eyes and paused, " and Eric doesn't really care but since Mike isn't going he won't go."

"What reputation?" Eric joked before suddenly jumping out of his seat and running away from Mike who began to chase him. Eden began to let out an airy laugh, she liked this. Moments later, after Mike continued to chase Eric for a few moments, the bell rang. This calmed them down and the group began to pack away their things.

Bella noticed Eden was still sitting, just watching them pack. "Aren't you coming?" She questioned.

"Oh, I'm going to class late. Going to use the excuse that I lost my way," Eden answered before pausing, "Perks of being the new student I guess" she joked, this made Bella laugh in agreement. Seconds later, Eden was one of the very few students in the cafeteria. She knew this would be short lived but she felt content-happy.

Thank you everyone for voting and commenting, i'm so sorry this is a short chapter. It's just a filler before everything gets interesting lol. You'll be seeing jacob very soon!

Question of the day:
Who is your favourite character in New Moon?

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