New life

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*19 years later*
"Scorpious don't run you might trip!" I yell trying to cover the heavy amount of concern in my voice. Draco gives me a look and chuckles, I slap him gently on the arm. Scorpious stops and smirks, he's a splitting image of his father. He had slicked back platinum blonde hair, pale skin, a Malfoy smirk all except the eyes, he had beautiful chocolate brown eyes like me. I smiled and took Draco's hand and walked along, earning a slight squeeze from him. Our son stopped at the barrier before platform 9 3/4 looking worried. Draco let go and went over to talk to him as I went over to Ginny and Harry who had just arrived. I hugged them and smiled, so happy to be with my best friends again.
"Where is Ron and Lavender?" I asked, slightly confused they hadn't come together. Ginny smirked and answered,
"They decided on taking muggle traffic for an unknown reason and it seems they got stuck in traffic." We all started laughing, so much had changed since the war. I looked over to see my husband and son run through the barrier and went in after them.

Dracos P.O.V
As we walked hand in hand I saw Scorpious stop. I let go of my wife's hand and went over to him while she went to see the Potters, Potter and I weren't exactly friends but we had managed to stay on civil terms with one another. I continued on and crouched down near my son.
"Why did you stop son?" I asked cheerily, I watched him have a flicker of a smile flash across his face and frowned.
"But dad what if they don't like me? What if I don't fit in beacause they don't like my family history." I watched as small tears formed in his eyes, he must be really worried because he did t even shed a single tear when he broke his arm or got lost in Diagon Alley. I looked at him with concern.
"Son I must say that I am truly sorry for everything that I did because I have now realised that I will most likely effect you. But let me tell you that it doesn't matter what someone thinks of you as long as you treat them with respect. All you really need is one good friend anyways."I said trying to keep in my regret, I had let my stupid behaviour fall onto the shoulders of my son, how could I. He smiled and hugged me. I wrapped him in my arms and took his trolley in my hand and we ran through the barrier. Looking through the crowds for a door to a compartment for him. We found one and waited for Hermione who was right behind us.

Hermiones P.O.V
As I caught up to the boys I saw they were stopping at a door to the train. I went up to Draco who wrapped his arm around me, I hugged our little boy. He was leaving to Hogwarts for his first year. I was excited but worried remembering my first year but smiled and ahrugged it off thinking that it wasn't possible for something like that to happen. The train signalled for everyone to hop on and I squeezed him before letting him on the train. I smiled and looked at Harry and Ginny who were looking into a compartment. I looked into it and saw Scorpious sitting with Albus and Rose. I smiled and waved goodbye before looking at Harry's scar, it hadn't even had a twinge of pain in the last 19 years, all was good.

Changes(dramione)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon