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We arrived in hogsmeade the next weekend. Looking at everything in the shop windows and discovering new shops. We bought everything on the list and went to the ice cream parlour. As we ate our ice cream I saw a flash of platinum blonde hair, stormy grey eyes and a pale face. Draco Malloy was walking towards us.
"Gin why is he walking over here?" I quietly ask Ginny.
"I don't know let's find out" she replies," hey Malfoy, what do you want from us?" Ginny angrily asks the approaching figure.
He walks closer and as he comes into view I notice that he has put on some of the weight that he lost last year, he looked healthy and his hair was full on his head, his eyes were no longer empty but full of happiness, he had a happier more peaceful look and he no longer wore his disgusted face and didn't walk with his nose in the air. But he was looking, no it couldn't be... guilt on his face?
" Hello Hermione, Ginny," indicating to us as he took a deep breath," look I'm really really sorry about everything! I never really wanted to say those things to you and never liked seeing anyone cry because of me. I really was only jealous of all of you, you all had everything I didn't , friends, family and love. I treated you so badly because I was envious of all of you."
We stared with disbelief at him, our mouths were hanging open and our eyes were popping out of our head. I notice how much of a fool I looked like and shut my mouth and tapped Ginny with my foot indicating for her to do the same.
" Ma-Draco, thank you for your apology but it will take a little more to make it up to us, but again thank you, I think we should be civilised towards each other this year." I gave a small smile that he returned.
"Thank you and I promise I will make it up to you ... I mean all of you." He quickly added and slightly blushed before walking away.
"Well that was odd but relieving." Ginny stated whilst chuckling.
"Why are you laughing?" I asked.
" I never expected to see the day when a Malfoy practically begs for our forgiveness but then again I guess the war changes people!" We both started laughing, without really knowing what for. We decided on heading back to the burrow because it was getting late. We apparated back still lightly giggling.
" Why are you two laughing it's kind of scary?" Ronald appears asking and chuckling at his little joke. Ron and I had shared a kiss during the war but really didn't feel anything more than an awkward tension afterwards so we decided it was just an in the moment kind of thing and stuck to being friends. We explained everything to Ron and Harry. They of course didn't find it believable at all.
" Well he was obviously lying I mean he's a death eater and he... he... well yeah." Harry states while looking for something else to say.
"He's caused us nothing but chaos for seven years and you believe him when he says sorry?!" Ron is starting to get worked up.
" Shut up Ron I mean seriously you and Harry can t let go of the past can you?" I say without knowledge that I was raising my voice.
"Sorry Mione but you don't understand-" Harry starts but I interrupt him,
" I do understand thank you very much and yes I am forgiving him and I am not forcing you to do the same I am only asking that you treat him like a civilised human being should be treated!!!" I didn't realise but I was now on my feet and yelling. I left and walked up to Ginny's room,which I was sharing with her. I could hear Ginny calling her brother a brat and telling him and Harry to pull their heads inbefore she does something irrational. I heard her footsteps and as she opened the door we both shared a look. We got ready for bed and talked about school tomorrow. We both fell into a peaceful sleep.

How was it? Please give any feedback you feel necessary😁☺️ xxxx

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