Returning to Hogwarts

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I woke up extremely happy but couldn't tell why, I then realised we were going back to Hogwarts,back home. I started dressing straight away and seeing as I packed my bag last night I checked around the room making sure I had left nothing behind. I walked over to Gin's bed and prodded her with my wand
"It's time to wake up Gin! We are going to Hogwarts!" I exclaimed and she shot straight out of bed and started getting ready. I grabbed my trunk and brought it down stairs and was surprised when I saw Harry and Ron at the table having breakfast.
" Wow you are actually awake," I laughed," I never thought I would see the day you woke up on time!" I heard Ginny coming down stairs and as she reached the bottom her jaw dropped and she walked back up. We looked at her with confused faces as she came back down with a shocked expression and rubbed her eyes,
"Wow you two are actually awake!" She exclaimed.
We all started laughing very hard, it was a nice change since we haven't been genuinely in the mood for laughter since the war. George came down stairs and fell to the ground with a shocked expression.
"I don't believe it you two are actually awake!!" He said as we started laughing again.
Then we heard others coming downstairs and were greeted by Mr and Mrs Weasley who stood in shock at the view of Harry and Ron being awake.
"You two are aw-" she started.
"Yes we are awake!!" The boys said in unison starting to get irritated but we all doubled over laughing again.
After breakfast and all the bags were in the living room we stood by our trunks. and said our goodbyes to Mr and Mrs Weasley as we apparated to Kings Cross Staion. I didn't realise how much I really missed it. I looked around and every memory of my past years came flooding through my head,
When I first met Harry and Ron ...the year they flew to school... the year Sirius broke out of azkaban...the year of the tri wizard tournament...when I found out about the order of the Phoenix...when Harry found Snapes potion book...and now.
I realised there was a tear falling down my face, I quickly wiped it away and flowed the others through the magical wall. The train looked beautiful, the scarlet was shining in the light and reminded me of the Gryffindor common room because of the colour. I looked around for the others and locked on to a pair of stormy grey eyes, I saw him smile and wave and I returned the gesture. I walked over to him and as I got closer I realised he was still smiling, he looked different when he wore a smile, he looked much better then when he wore his trade mark smirk.
"Hello Draco."
"Hello Hermione, would you mind if I sit with you in a compartment?" He asked completely throwing me off guard.
"Um well that should be alright but if you don't mind me asking why?" I said and realised how rude I must have sounded as his smile flickered.
"Of course you deserve a reason, you and Weasellete are really the only people that are civil to me because everyone thinks I am the same bitter boy I was for seven years." His face dropped a bit as he spoke but lifted back up when I assured him he could sit with us.
As we walked to the compartment we received strange looks but Draco looked at the ground because he was receiving death glares from most passerby's. Once we reached the compartment I received a strange look from Ron and Harry but Ginny got up and shook Dracos hand and welcomed him in. Harry followed along but Ron merely grunted and was delivered a hard kick in the shin from Ginny.
"Aaaaghhh! Really Ginny was that necessary?" He yelled.
"Yes now say hello to Draco !" She said quietly so only he could hear.
"Fine, hello ferret." Ron said and his eyes hardened as he looked at Draco .
Draco looked hurt but recovered and simply nodded in his direction. Harry and Draco started talking about quidditch, I mean what else would they talk about, and Ginny and I talked about how fun this year would be. Ron looked grumpy and stared at the wall as the train started to move. We were all interrupted by a small girl who knocked on the door asking for the Head Boy and Girl. I got up and to my surprise so did Draco .
As we left I asked,
"Are you Head Boy Draco?"
"Yes I was quite excited when I found out but I already knew you were guaranteed Head Girl position." He gave me his million dollar smile and I blushed slightly. We walked into the Head Boy and Girl compartment and found Mcgonagall waiting for us.
"Hello, I do hope that you two are planning on being civil to each other this year." She eyed us and we responded at the same time,
"Yes professor."
"Mhm...well your duties as Head Boy and Girl are to make sure that all students are in bed by curfew and check no students are roaming the halls, you must also do rounds twice a week on Wednesdays and Thursdays. You will be preparing any special events that the school need help with but need to keep up continuos good grades or you will be removed if your position. Do you understand?" She asked us after bombarding us with information. We looked at each other then nodded to the professor.
"Very well,"she said"please change into your school uniform and also you will be acknowledged at the feast. Is that all ? Yes ok , good day to you." And with that she left.
We changed and sat having a conversation about our summers until we reached Hogwarts. We couldn't find the others so we joined Neville and Seamus in a carriage and were in our way to our final year of school. How exciting this will be for us all!!

Ok so I have posted three parts of this story and plan on posting more tomorrow and if I don't I will the next day😉😁 pls vote,comment and read💕xxxx

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