Nico Black

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"Hello as you should know this is Nico Black," professor started,"this is Sirius blacks son." We all stared open mouthed at the young boy, Harry was shocked and you could see it on his face more evidently then ours." Sirius was married before you were born to a lovely young women named Vanessa, long black hair, blue eyes, dark skin and beautiful manners. They had a child, Nico, they were inseparable. But one night a group of death eaters had raided their home. Sirius and Nico escaped but Vanessa... she didn't make it. Sirius was depressed, he was scared that he would attract too much negative attention to Nico so he put him in foster care. He was going to re-adopt Nico but after the potters were killed and he went looking for Peter Pettigrew and ended up in azkaban he couldn't." We all had a saddened look on our face, especially Harry and Nico, I had tears brimming in my eyes but I wiped them away, how we missed Sirius.
"We were hoping that you, Harry ,would adopt Nico seeing as he is your God Brother." When Harry agreed Nico's face lit up and he ran into Harry's arms. Harry looked overjoyed that he had a part sibling to be with him.
"Very well, now I know you must want to know the person responsible for Nico being in Hogwarts. Draco here has been visiting his cousin in foster care for years now, he told us of his whereabouts at the start of the year and that his father had raided their home. He was extremely distressed that he hadn't come sooner but in the end he did. Now Ms Granger I would like you to be civil to Draco this year because he really has changed for the better. Mr Potter I would like you to look after Nico this year please. Now to bed with all of you." She smiled as we walked away, Nico ran to her and gave her one last hug,
"Thank you professor, really thank you." He smiled and ran back to Harry .
As we walked back we listened to Nico tell us about life as a foster child.
"The family I was with were lovely people and were always so nice to me. I would always get excited when Draco and Aunt Narcissa came to visit me, they would always bring treats and stories."
We all looked at Draco who b,usher but covered it up by saying,
"Well why wouldn't we give you treats, your our family and an amzing kid." He smiled down at the little boy. Draco told us he was going to go say goodnight to Blaise because he was the only Slytherin friend he had. I stared into his stormy grey eyes, I had never realised how beautiful they were. Wait I didn't mean that! I meant just how grey they were. He pulled away and walked down to the common room. I ran to catch up with the other two as Nico was still talking. We arrived at the Gryffindor tower and I decided to stay for a while. We walked in and sat infront of the fire.
"And that about sums up my life as a foster child how about you tell me some stories now." He looked up eagerly at Harry .
"Okay well I knew your dad pretty well, he was always there for me. The first time I met him was at Hogwarts in my third year. Hermione and I saved his life because he was in azkaban for a misunderstanding. We talked and he told me he was my godfather. We talked a lot over owl and met up with him in hogsmeade a few times until he moved back into his old house at 12 grimauld place which is where I live now." Harry went in and on about some of the silly things Sirius used to do but never mentioned his death because he wasn't sure either of them could handle talking about it. After about an hour I decided to go check out my new dorm. I said goodnight and went up to them. I found Draco sleeping on the couch with a book in his hands. I look at his platinum hair that fell over his face and thought he looked kinda cute. Wait no he isn't ! What am I thinking? I must be tired. I went to have a shower . I went back to the common room and woke him up, I gently shook his arm,
"Draco wake up and go to your own bed." I giggled as he opened his eyes.
"Oh yeah thanks Mione see you tomorrow." He said with a tired voice and walked to his bed. I climbed into my bed and fell as
Eep with a smile plastered to my face.

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