The Mysterious Name

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This is going to be a short chapter just saying😊please remember to vote and comment❤️

When we arrived I stared at the beautiful castle before us. The windows were all lit up and it looked amazing considering all the damage that had been inflicted upon it last year. I felt a pair of eyes laying on me so I turned my head to find Draco staring at me with his beautiful stormy grey eyes. Wait did I just say beautiful? No I meant stormy grey... We locked gazes for a few moments before I pulled my eyes away and gestured for him to walk into the castle with me. As we entered we received more death stares, well really only Draco did.
"Hey Mione would you mind if I sat with you to eat?" Draco asked me with a quiet voice.
"Well sure if you really want to, I guess no one would mind." I said trying to be polite.
"Thank you sorry but you really are the only friend I have, you and weaselette." He said suppressing a chuckle.
We walked over to the Gryffindor table and sat down, Harry and Gin shook his hand whereas Ron grunted in his general direction. If looks could kill Ginny would have killed her brother within seconds.
"Welcome back to you all now after the sorting ceremony I will say a few words."
We watched first years be sorted into their respecting houses and cheered for any new Gryffindors. We also heard a name that intrigued us dearly.
"Nico Black." We heard Mcgonagall say. The whole of the hall hitched their breath.
The hat sat on his head for a few moments thinking hard.
"Hmmm well I guess it will have to be...Gryffindor!" The hat emphasised the last word. We all cheered loudly as he was the last to be sorted. I took in his appearance of neat brown hair,tidy appearance and brown eyes. He looked like Sirius. Harry looked at me with a confused but happy face then turned back to Mcgonagall.
"As I said before welcome back students. May I please remind all students that the Forbidden Forest is out of bounds and anyone finding themselves inside it will be in detention for a month. No products from Weasley Wizard Wheezes are to be used inside the classrooms and not on any teacher. Newts for seventh years are taking place at the end of this year and your results will be mailed to you via owl over the summer holidays. Other than that have a wonderful feast." With that she clicked her fingers and food appeared on all the tables. We started eating and Harry and Draco started talking about quidditch again. Ginny asked me of my whereabouts on the way to school and I told her I was in the carriage with Neville, Seamus and Draco.
"You have a thing for him I think, but don't worry we can soooo tell he has one for you as well ." She winked at me but I blushed.
"I'm just being a friend Gin, he doesn't have any at the moment." I said staring intently at my potatoes.
"Mhm sure I believe that." Sarcasm evident in her voice. I just glared at her and heard professor Mcgonagall start speaking again.
"May the prefects please take all students to their common rooms and make sure there are no students out of their dormitories or common rooms. May I please have Ms Granger, Mr Potter and Mr Malfoy please stay back along with Mr Black. Thank you." As everyone left we approached Mcgonagall to see Nico standing infront of her.

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