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She slowly opened her eyes, looked at our hands together, then looked at me.

"Singing your own songs in situations is just weird." She said with a little smile. "But I love it."

"How are you feeling?" I asked her.

"Well, since I've just seen about 15 unicorns, 4 rainbows, and all the Disney princesses in my room, I think I feel amazing." She said.

Yup. She's out of it.

"That's good. How's Cinderella? How's Snow White? How about Elsa?" I asked jokingly.

"They're good! They all left me a while ago. They needed to get to a party or something."

"I'm sorry that they left you."

"It's okay! Now I have you!" She said closing her eyes slowly.

I heard the door open and I turned around to see Liam walk in.

"There's my strong sister!" He said.

"Hi Li." She greeted him.

"How you feeling?" He asked.

"Pretty good."

"Do you remember anything that happened?" I asked her.

"Remember what? The last thing I remember was being at camp with everyone." She smiled but as she remembered her smile faded away.

"Do you remember?" I asked again.

She slowly nodded her head.

"I-Is h-he gone?" She asked.

"He's back in prison. And will stay there for a very very long time." Liam told her.

As we kept talking she seemed to get her surroundings and not feel completely drugged up. Everyone else came into the room and we all talked and laughed. Isla was on the bed with Elise and everyone else was sitting in chairs around the bed.

"How long do I have to stay here?" Elise asked.

"The doctor didn't tell us. Maybe a day or two. When the doctor comes back in, or a nurse, we will ask them," I told her.

"I kind of forgot to ask one question." She said.

"And that question is?" Niall asked.

"How many times did he shoot me and the bullet actually made contact with me? Because I remember there being six gunshots." She asked.

All the boys and I looked at each other then we looked back at Elise.

"Four. You were shot 4 times. And stitches on your arm." Liam said.

She nodded her head and looked down at our hands together.

"Are you okay?" Harry asked.

"I just hope one day we won't have all this drama. One day were we can enjoy our lives and not worry about Dan. One day were there's no more violence towards us." She told us.

I squeezed her hand in reassurance. I'm pretty sure we all understood what she was saying. She doesn't deserve this! Neither does Isla!

"I'm sorry that this had to happen. It's all my fault." Niall said.

"It's not your fault. If you didn't have that plan in mind, I doubt that anyone else would come up with it." Harry told him.

"But now Elise is in the hospital for being shot in the back four times, Isla has a scratch, and it was all because of me!" Niall now had a shaky voice.

"Niall, thank you for coming up with that plan. Dan's in prison now and I'll be fine. Just a couple wounds and I'll be back to new in no time." Elise said with a small smile.

"But-" Niall was cut off.

"No butts! Butts are for the behind so leave them there!" Isla said.

We all laughed at what she said. I looked over at Elise and her smile was fading. She looked like she was having pain.

"Are you alright Love?" I asked her.

"N-No. G-Get n-nurse." She stuttered.

She was squeezing my hand tightly. Liam grabbed the remote that has all the buttons and pressed the nurse button. Just a few seconds later the nurse came in. She had a few medicines. She must have known that this would happen soon.

After a few minutes she got Elise to relax and gave her the medicine. Elise soon looked just like herself again. The nurse was just about to leave when Liam stopped her.

"When will she be able to leave?" He asked.

"I don't have that information but I will send in the doctor." The nurse said walking out the door.

About a minute later the doctor came into the room.

"So the nurse told me you asked when you can leave. We aren't officially sure yet, but it looks like you can leave tomorrow or the next day." He said.

"What time does visiting hours end?" I asked.

"They end at 9." He told us. "Also, could I ask all of you to take a step outside. I need to talk to Elise."

We all stood up and walked out into the hall. They had 4 chairs in the hallway in front of her door. Everyone sat down and Isla wanted to sit on my lap.

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