Party Goblin

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Daniella POV

Ellie came home with me, it was rare that we hung out like this. I looked through my closet and huffed, why was I so nervous? It was just the guys, I had been out with them tons of times through the years. Just not the last three. Ellie cleared her throat when she caught me staring at a pair of black heels.

"You alright there Daniella?"

" Yeah, dare I say I'm nervous? Cause well I know Gerald has a girl... I mean it isn't like I wanna get back with him. I just... Ugh." I slumped on the floor of my closet as she sat down and examined a pair of heels.

"I totally know what you mean. You don't know how to act normal around him?"


" Well just try and have fun. Don't ignore other guys cause he's there. I'm not saying bring anyone home." She giggled slightly before looking up at the clothes. " Just make yourself look like you got it together. Especially after Finn." I laughed softly and glanced at her before looking back at the shoes with a smirk.

"I think I can do that for sure. Thanks mini." I laughed softly and stood, picking out the dress before carefully putting up my hair. Ellie wore hers down before wiggling into a black dress before she zipped mine up for me.

"You look gorgeous. Though a little skinny."

"I know. This schedule is killing me. I need to get back to the gym soon. Get my muscles back." I blinked a few times before beginning to apply my last bit of makeup under my eyes.

"Well trying to put up with Finn was probably exhausting." She laughed softly as did I before I grabbed my keys, though I sat them down once I heard a knock at the door. There stood Marty and Grady with grins on their faces.

"Ayy! Dann D! You lookin fine like a French wine." Grady smirked before I rolled my eyes then hugged him.

"You don't look too awful tonight either." I let him go and motioned to Ellie. "This is my one and only friend Ellie, so don't screw her." Her mouth dropped open before she nudged me.

"You are a total mom sometimes Danny." I laughed before looking to Marty. I did notice the absence of Gerald and Blizzy.

" So we riding with you two? I guess this is why you didn't send the address?"

"Heck yeah, cause we know at least a portion of us won't be able to drive." I laughed and snatched the keys of his SUV Cadillac before climbing in, careful not to raise my dress for their view. Ellie got in the back with Grady and Marty sat next to me. " Hey D, so with the other place burned down. They're like refusing to give us a portion of our claim. You know how to handle that?" I nodded slowly as I drove, not taking my eyes off the road.

"I can surely look into it tomorrow if you got all the paperwork and messages from them. Though I'm sure blunt and blow torch as the cause really won't help." I chuckled before glancing at Grady in the rear view mirror who was so ashamed. We pulled up to the club, already a line forming since the sun has disappeared from the sky. I pulled up to valet and tossed the keys over before Marty gave a nod to the bouncer and we were let inside. Across the dance floor sat Gerald in the VIP section. His arm around the woman whom I had caught him in bed with four years ago. She saw him notice me and tugged his chin, bringing his lips to her's before she climbed onto his lap. I took a deep breath with my eyes closed for a quick moment before continuing on to the bar.

"Whiskey with ice..." The bartender blinked a few time. "Anything top shelf here." I sat my debit on the counter, he swipped it to start a tab before handing me my drink which was quickly demolished.

"It's early better pace yourself." I rolled my hues before taking my drink as Ellie was still sipping on her first. Devon was now missing and Gerald was on his phone while sipping on his drink. I took Ellie's hand and walked over, giving a smile to the bouncer as he moved the rope for us to walk by. I sat next to Grady and glanced to Gerald as he looked up. Marty was rolling a blunt skillfully and quickly.

"Fuck driving it looks like we're ubering tonight." Grady smirked at me before I finished my drink once more. The alcohol was warming me already as a little buzz began to arise.

"I'm a light weight so I'm definitely out of the question." Ellie giggles before looking to the dance floor then smirking at me. "You wanna dance Danny?"

"Yeee!" I laughed before taking a sip from the bottle on the table. "Save a bit of that blunt for me!"

"I'll have to roll another at that point miss puff queen." Blizzy laughed at Marty's horrendous joke. Ellie dragged me along till we got to the dance floor. Let's get lost was playing as she grinded against me, my hands on her hips. Some stranger behind me. He wasn't half bad looking, but he surely wasn't going home with me.

"He's watching with such a sour look right now." Ellie laughed before turning to me and dancing.

" That might just be his resting bitch face. Let's test that theory though. Kiss me."

"You're so wild D" we laughed uncontrollably before we shared a long kiss, she glanced at Gerald before laughing once more. "He's chugging that bottle now."

"O hush let's leave the poor boy alone, I gotta pee I'll be right back." I wiggled my way through the crowd. I wasn't ready for what I was about to see. Devon getting fucked on the sink by some guy. She saw me before I covered my eyes and turned away. "O fuck sorry!" I ran out of the bathroom and darted to the stairs, I needed air. Maybe it was the liquor getting to me. I forced open the door, the roof revealed a cool breeze as I sat against the wall and looked at the city. She was cheating on him. Now I fucking knew. Fuck. Fuck.

"D?" I glanced at Grady walked out and sat down. " The fuck you crying for what's up?" I blinked a few times and felt my face. Fuck I was crying.

"I'm fine. Just needed some air... O fucking hell." He dug in his pocket and revealed a half blunt, lighting it before putting it to my lips.

"Breath in, hold.... Breath out." I coughed slightly before closing my eyes. "Now you ight." He chuckled before taking a hit. "Ready to go back inside."

" Yeah. I don't look like a train wreck right?"

"Nah you look fine." I nodded and took a deep breath before heading back inside. Ellie was talking to Gerald who nodded slowly before getting up. I didn't see him at the club for the rest of the night.

Drifting Back [Fanfiction G-Eazy] Book 1Where stories live. Discover now