Corey VS Corey

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Daisy- Hi! (reads dare from cami-chan19 )

Camila- Guess who's back!

Daisy- Hehe Yang.......

Camila- What?

Daisy- Nothing it's an inside joke.

Camila- OK.....but look who I brought with me.

(I will call Camila's Corey C.Corey)

C.Corey- Hi.....

Corey- Why does he look like me.....

Daisy- He is also called Corey.

Camila- He's the Corey I know.

Corey- The Corey who broke your heart....

Camila- Yup.

Daisy- Ooooohhhhhh, time for some drama.

Kin- I have the popcorrn!

Daisy- Gimme! (eats it)

C.Corey- So you're the Corey Camila's been talking about.....

Camila- 😍😍😍

C.Corey- 😠😠😠

Corey- D:

Camila- oh no.....

C.Corey- Wow..... you look just like me! But she still likes you?!

Camila- You know the reason....don't you. Cheating on your girlfriend Laney..... and using me, like some... pawn!

Laney- o.0

Corey- o.0

C.Corey- I'm sorry Camila! Please forgive me... but don't just go with that.... double ganger!

Daisy- I thought Carrie was the double-ganger...

Carrie- o.0 

Corey- G-guys come down!

Camila- No! I will never forgive you Corey Jaron Riffin!

Corey- Who me?

Camila- NO him!

C.Corey- Please! I already broke up with Laney, so then we can be together!

Laney- (has no words)

Kon- This is getting good. Gimme some of that popcorn! (eats it)

Daisy, Kin and Kon- Dra-ma Dra-ma Dra-ma

Kim- Let us join!

Konnie- Yeah!

(they all sit on this couch and eat popcorn)

Daisy, Kin, Kim, Kon and Konnie- Dra-ma Dra-ma Dra-ma Dra-ma

Corey- C-camila, maybe you could give your Corey another chance!

Camila- No. I like you way better than... him

C.Corey- But but-

Camila- (death glare)

Corey- Maybe..... I could set you up.... and you could decide after....

C.Corey- :D


Corey- I will see you at Belchie's.

(At that place he just said)

Camila- 😡

C.Corey- 😟

Corey- Look at all this food.....

Table- 🍨🍧🍦🍩🍰🍪🍔🍳🍯🍮🍭🍬🍫🍟🍝🍕🍖🍗🍤🍣🍲🍛🍚🍙🍜🍞🍱🍥🍢🍡🍘🍠🍌🍎🍇🍆🍅🍄🍋🍋🍏🍈🍉🍐🍑🍒🍓🍍🌰

Camila- thats a lot of food....

C.Corey- so Camila.......

Camila-  😬

C.Corey- I I am.... sorry...... I know it was wrong of me to do what I did. But I want you to know. You're the one I LOVE. Please Camila...... forgive me 😳




Daisy, Kin, Kim, Kon and Konnie- (eating popcorn) .......

Camila- No. I like the other Corey better  (hugs him)

Corey- 😨

C.Corey- 😢

Daisy - unexpected....

Becca- No!!!!! No way is MY Corey-poo getting together with you. BACK OFF CAMILA!!! 😠

Kon and Konnie- Dra-

Kim and Kin- -ma

Daisy- Drama!!!!

Camila- 😠😠😠😠

C.Corey- 😢😢😢

Corey- 😵😵😵😵😵

Laney- ..... No. Back off ladies cause Corey ..... is.... with..... me.

Daisy, Kin, Kim, Konnie and Kon- PLOT TWIST!!

Camila- This Corey is with a Laney too?!

Becca- I ship Corney...... BUT NO HE IS MY BOYFRIEND

Corey- uh..... sorry girls......I'm with Laney hehe

Laney- 😶

Daisy,Kin and Kon and Konnie ans Kim- SHIP SHIP SHIP


Camila- My Corey.

C.Corey- Yes...

Camila- Fine I will get together with you


Becca- No Corey for me....

Daisy- (brings out duplicate machine and makes a Corey clone)


Becca- 😄 YAY! Thanks Daisy!

Daisy- 😉

(Camila, C.Corey, Becca and clone Corey leave)

Laney- uh....

Corey- Thanks Lanes for having my back.

Laney- No problem

Corey- You really are my best bro

Laney- 😯

Daisy,Kin and Kon and Konnie and Kim - 😥😥😥😥😥😥 OUR SHIP SUNK.

Daisy- well thats it cya

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