Wake Up Corey!

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Daisy- Well last time, Laney got a makeover and we saw Corey's reaction. Which I have to say is priceless.

Laney- (glares at Daisy) but how are we going to fix him?

Corey- x_x ...............

Daisy- How am I supposed to know? Oh I know, competition time!

Everybody- Whaaaaaaaaa...............t

Daisy- We'll do a competition of who can wake up Corey, the winner gets.......

(Everyone waits in suspense)

Daisy-.... to find out later ^_^

(Everyone groans)

Daisy- So whose up first?

Carrie- I will

(Everyone gasps)

Carrie- I've always wanted to do this.  (Walks up to Corey, get a random marker and write the Newmans are the best then turns around to see everyone glaring at her) What? Ok then how about this? (smacks Corey in the face)

Corey- *[]* ..........

Daisy- Didn't work, whose next?

(Mayor Mellow tried shouting at him, Barney tried to feed her a hot dog, Kate and Allie squealed at him, Mina broke Corey's guitar as due to Trina's orders, Nick fumped him, Kin tried to brainwash him, Kim also tried to brainwash him, Kon fed him some cheese, Konnie also fed him some cheese and Larry and Laney watched the whole scene)

Daisy- OK.... none of those worked , how about Larry give it a try.

Larry- OK, (walks up to Corey and whispers something in his ear)

Corey- (shakes head) what happened?

Laney- Saw me in a dress, froze, tried to wake you up, that's about it.

Daisy- Larry what did you tell Corey?

Larry- Something, wait Riffen you remember what I said?

Corey- Nope, why?

Larry- Oh nothing really, (evilly smirks at Laney.)

Daisy- So since Larry won he gets the prize of....... ummmm I don't know.

Larry- Why?

Daisy- Didn't expect anyone to wake Corey up, meh I guess it's time to finish this up, oh yeah remember to show all the footage of him looking stupid to Corey, bye guys.

Corey- Wait what?!

Daisy- ^-^ Oh nothing, cya an remember to put in your dares and questions.

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