Battle of Knowledge

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Daisy- Hello everyone and welcome back to my show! ( Looks over to Corey) What's wrong with him, didn't we fix him last time?

Corey- :/.........

Laney- He's somehow broke after what Larry said to him.

Daisy- Larry, what did you say to him because I don't wanna deal with a broken Corey again.

Larry- ^_^ nothing

Daisy- (looks skeptically at him) sure......... well anyway I have a question for Kate and Allie.

Kate and Allie- squeallllllll, we get to answer question in a Grojband interview!!!!!!!

Daisy- OK, so do you know everything about Grojband?

Kate- Obviously

Allie- We are their number one fans

Daisy- Sure..... wanna have a battle of how much we know between us.

Kate and Allie- Bring it on!

(Suddenly we're on a stage, Daisy has a buzzer and Kate and Allie have their own buzzer and Mayor Mellow's in the middle)

Daisy- Mayor Mellow if you would do the honors.

Mayor Mellow- OK, first question, what's Corey's favorite color?

Kate and Allie- (beep) Periwinkle!

Daisy- You might've won this round, but not for long!

(After a long quiz)

Mayor Mellow- Last question, what's Laney's favorite animal?

Daisy- (Beep) Chinchillas!

Mayor Mellow, So the winner is...... wait both teams got a tie.

Everyone- WHAT?!

Daisy- Wanna call it a draw (takes  out hand)

Kate- sure (shakes hand)

Allie- Let's do it (shakes hand)

Larry- How did you know so much about us

Kate and Allie- Stalking!

Daisy- I have the power that is so much easier than stalking in person, stalking on the internet ^.^

Kate and Allie- We should try that!

(Everyone looks creeped out by the three of us)

Daisy- What?!

Everyone else- *!*......

Daisy-(rolls eyes) Do you guys want me to put you in a volcano?

Laney- You can't even do that.

Daisy- (tries clicking fingers) ugh I always failing at clicking my fingers, (claps hands now we're at a volcano

Everyone- x_x.....

Daisy- Will you question me again?

(Everyone shakes their heads)

Daisy- OK (claps hand, back to place we do interview) It is time to go, please give us dares and blah blah blah, see ya.

(After 5 min.....)

Daisy- Wait is Corey still broken?

(everyone has left except Corey and Daisy)

Corey- :/

Daisy- someone I can't just leave him here! And Corey, seriously the same reaction as the start, you could've changed it at least.


Daisy- Yay, now SOMEONE HELP MY WITH THIS GUY!!!!!!!!!!!

Interview with the Grojband CastWhere stories live. Discover now