Chapter 21: The Deal

Start from the beginning

"I think twenty, unmated, mostly females," Ethan replied back.

Thomas nodded. "Ya, we need to get some cabins open before. I think some wolves are ready to move out of the dorms, but we can't take them now."

"Agreed," Ethan added. Thomas looked up and eyed us for a moment. I felt an awkward tension start to settle in. My wolf started to worry. One wrong move and this whole thing could be blown up in our faces. "I was wondering, are you and Miranda free soon?"

Thomas bit his bottom lip while my wolf snapped her head towards her mate. "What did you have in mind?"

"I have some good steaks that need to be grilled. I was thinking we should all do dinner again. It was a fun time last time," Ethan said.

I felt my wolf's mouth drop to the ground as the words flowed out of his mouth. My heart rate picked up as I watched Thomas look down at the floor, furiously mind-linking who I assume was Miranda.

He slid a hand slowly up my thigh, calming me with his touch that felt like warm water sliding over me.

Thomas looked up at Ethan and smiled. "Does tonight work? Amber is out with some friends and I think Aaron had plans. Was just going to be Miranda and I but we wouldn't mind having you two over at all."

Ethan dipped his head with a polite smile. "Sounds good."

"I'll tell Miranda," He replied back. "And Thorne, stop distracting him and get to work," he chuckled out.

"Fine, fine," I said dramatically, waving my hand that wanted to turn into a claw.

"Alright, Miranda said six thirty? Sound good?"

"Sounds good," Ethan replied.

"See you two then and Ethan, just look over that schedule. We don't have to decide anything but we need to get moving on it."

"Will do," Ethan said while Thomas dipped his head and walked out, shutting the door behind him.

We were still for a few minutes.

It was a mix of rage and shock coursing over the bond. We waited until we could hear Thomas walk downstairs, far enough away from hearing our conversation before we both deflated.

I turned to Ethan with wide eyes while he stared at his desk in front of him. "What the hell was that?!"

"It just ran out," he breathed in shock. "One minute I was silent and the next it was coming out."

"Ok," I replied as calmly as I could. "We can do this. We'll get in, get out, then handle the rest of our shit. Actually, we should stop by pop and Lucy's tonight on the way to the border."

"I just asked him to have dinner," Ethan repeated it more to himself than to me.

I sighed and took his face in my hands tilting it up so he would look at me. "Yes, you did you big bearded idiot. I still love you, but we need to get a plan together."

He nodded. "We go, we get in, we get out, and then you said you wanted to do what?"

"Pop and Lucy's," I replied. Ethan sighed and gave me a bit of a long look. I kissed his cheek before looking back up at him. "Listen, we can just prod. No one is saying they did anything Ethan, but they could help us put some of this puzzle together."

"Ok," he sighed out. "I'll tell her, maybe she'll make a pie?"

I growled in approval. "She is a good baker."

"Mhmm," he hummed. "Although you are my favorite thing to eat."

I rolled my eyes and shook my head. "Later, we have things to do."

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