Chapter 13

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Vittoria couldn't sleep. She already had troubles in the previous nights because she was haunted by her thoughts.
Now she was happy and desperate at the same time. She had  a proof he felt something for her. And that was definitely a life goal.
Then he kissed her like she never imagined she could be kissed. She still felt like she was flying of happiness.
She couldn't stop saying his name in her mind. It was like he was next to her even if he was some rooms away.
She gladly gave him all her heart. She would have sacrificed also her life and her soul for him.
Why him? There was no rational explaination.  Reason couldn't help.

Riccardo was at the top of happiness and sadness. He never thought it could have been possible.
He had to lock himself into his room or the temptation would have led him back to her.
The only sure thing was that he didn't want to let her go away. He wouldn't survive any goodbye.

He woke up at the usual time, even if he just  slept half the hours.
He bumped into his father at breakfast. His happiness was hard to hide, but also made him blind to notice that something was troubling Cosimo.

"What the hell are you doing?" He asked when he couldn't hold his anger any longer.
Riccardo looked up at him disoriented "What do you mean, father?".

The old man tightened his eyes "I saw you last night. You and Vittoria".

The world crashed. Happiness lasted so short.

"Father, it's not her fault".
"So what do you think you're doing? You think you can have fun before the marriage?".
"It's not fun. I didn't mean to break any vow".
Cosimo raised his voice "So what? You're looking for troubles? After that party, I wouldn't have believed.." He sighed  "Antonio is my dear friend. You know that. I can't allow you to dishonor his daughter!".
"I didn't mean that! Can you blame me if I'm falling in love with her? She's real and I really like her. How can I fall for a girl I saw just on a bad portrait?".

"Love" the man repeated with disgust "Love is poison. How many time do I have to tell you?".
"How can you say that, father? Isn't love that rules the world? You arranged  the marriage without telling me! I want to own my life!".
"I made a deal with Sforza. Do you want to ruin your family? Do you know how much we sacrificed during the wars with Milan? And now that at last we got peace, you want to destroy all for your silly feelings!".
"There can be peace even without sacrificing me! What if I marry Vittoria instead? You can take the same advantage! But you'll keep also my respect".
Cosimo widenned his eyes "How dare you? You're totally mad! Would you turn your back to your family for a girl you barely know?".
"I just know that I care for her and I would never stop doing that. I don't want to marry a girl  I never met and I can't love. I know you don't care about what I want. I just ask you this only favor, father. Don't use me. Let me choose my destiny".

Father and son stared at each other. Clearly none of them was about to surrender.
"You think I just care of my businesses, right?" Cosimo said with a disappointed grin "That I don't know what means to fall in love because I married for advantange. Well, you're wrong. I was so crazy and reckless too when I was young. I wanted to be an artist. I fell in love with a washergirl. But do you know what my father said? That he gave me life, so he owned it. It took me years to understand he did what was the best for me. And now I'm deeply grateful. I sacrificed more than you can imagine, I felt so lost too, I hated my destiny. But look where I am now, where we are. You should thank me for all the goods you own, for your position in the society. Can't I ask you something back?".

Riccardo wasn't touched by that speech "I never asked you for your goods. I never asked for being born. You know I've always respected you and tried hard to be a good son. But I can't sell my life. I hate the idea of marrying a stranger girl and I'll hate who forced me into that. Why can't you make me marry Vittoria? You need also a deal with southern lands. One more ally against the Pope. Tell Sforza it's my choice".
"Antonio is already my ally. If I had a daughter I'd made her marry his son. But for you I have other projects".
"We can still bond our families. There are many advantages we can take. And isn't her name perfect? Vittoria de Medici. 'Victory' of the Medici".
"You're playing all your cards. Be thankful that she'll leave soon and be sure you'll never see her again" Cosimo concluded.
The young man stood up shaking his head "You're so heartless".
"You already know I'll forgive you because you're my son. Just don't overact".

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