Chapter 8

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Riccardo de Medici was the youngest son of Cosimo de Medici and Contessina de Bardi.
His older brother were already married and had children. Now his time had come to so his duty too.
His father arranged the marriage to seal the peace with Francesco Sforza of Milan, who offered the hand of his daughter Lucrezia.

Riccardo never met her. All he had of her was a portrait. He tried to imagine her, but always got disappointed.
He was like a bird in a cage.

He thought back to the noble girl he found on a tree the day before. He admired her freedom.
He already knew her father, an old close friend of his own father, a great ally.

Hearing that they were going out to visit the city, Riccardo offered to accompany them, but his father refused. No way to escape his duty of welcoming the guests of the party.
He escaped it the day before when he managed to  busy himself with other business, so he missed the meeting with maybe the most interesting guest.
And now he was paying for that.

He spied the leaving group from a window. He just had  a glance of the young lady with a simple travel dress before she climbed into the carriage.
They didn't meet at meals. So he guessed he would have seen her again at the party.

The city was full of interesting buildings.
A century ago the plague devastated those lands; and recently a strong earthquake did the same, only two years before. Now it was becoming the greatest city in the world.

Vittoria was fascinated by the style of the new churches. She admired the new Cupola by Brunelleschi. The only regret was that she had come too late to meet him.
"If you love this city so much, you should marry some local nobleman" commented Rita on the way back to the villa in Careggi.
The girl didn't even dare to think about that.
She deeply loved Montalcino, her town with  its hills, the vineyards, the leather shops.
Florence was like a new world waiting to be discovered. It was a different feeling from her emotions when she visited Siena and Rome.
Wandering in that city Vittoria felt very excited, but also secretly scared.

Freak of Time, History's Game ( I Medici Masters Of Florence) Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ