Chapter 12

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Vittoria and Riccardo didn't meet much on the following days, just at meals or from far. They could just exchange formal courtesies.
The girl hoped and feared the fact that in a couple of days she would have left that place maybe forever. She met so many new people there, but nobody stroke so deep as Riccardo did. But she learned to link the word 'impossible' to him.

Unwillingly she watched a sword fight  training in the courtyard and saw him taking off his wet shirt. She ran away hoping that nobody noticed her.

She was starting hating him for making her so uncomfortable.
But there was something she didn't want to miss before leaving the villa.

After Rita left her room wishing a good night, Vittoria took her leather travel clothes from under the bed and wore them. She added a dark cloak to disguise herself.
The thirst of new adventures made her determinated to get what she wanted.
She climbed off from the window and she almost broke her leg when she felt to the ground some meters down.
She still didn't know how to orientate there. A gate was to be reached and then climbing the highest hill.
She expected to find some guards so she moved very cautiously, but she crossed nobody and the gate wasn't locked.

She almost believed that luck was at her side, when a voice broke everything.
"Where are you going?".
She turned surprised to find Riccardo. She planned many lies to tell to guards, but nothing to him.
Her instinct suggested to run and cross the gates. It could have been funny.
But her legs stayed frozen. He just stared at her with his arms crossed and an amused expression.
Her last wish was destroyed so she turned to him with anger.
"Was that a trap? You lied to lead me here?".
"No, you're wrong" he laughed "I never lied".
"So why are you here? Are you stalking me?".
He deep breathed "I can take you to that place. You can't go there alone".
"Why not?".
"Because it's not safe and you can get lost".
"Well it will be a nice hunt" she turned and went over the gates.
He followed her amused "Nothing is gonna stop you, right?".
"Right" she confirmed "Don't care about me. I'm nobody right now".
He laughed "I care even if you're nobody".
She frowned "That's a waste of time. Can't you see? Now I'm just a peasant. And someone like you shouldn't care of a meaningless shadow like me".
"Someone like me? Can't I be a meaningless peasant too? So I can take you to the place I want to show you".
Nice offer, she thought. She swallowed "I'd prefer going alone".
"Why? Do I scare you?".
"No. I don't trust you enough, peasant".
He laughed "So take the risk and trust me".
She stared at him, then surrendered "Alright. So lead the way".
He obeyed.

She couldn't know that he couldn't stop thinking about her, that he tried to stay away from her but always failed.
A weird feeling suggested him that she might run away from the mansion on her own so he spent his nights with the nightwatchers while dreaming of some impossible solution to his cruel destiny.
When he noticed that dark figure climbing down from thw window he was always watching over, he knew his feeling was right.

"I must confess I never thought of having a walk out of the gates at this late hour before. But now I regret it, because it's so exciting and wonderful".
Vittoria looked at him "It's a pity. It's a breathtaking place here, you should enjoy it at any hour" she fastened her path.
"I'm glad I'm enjoying it now with you" she turned away so he tried to save the conversation "How's where you live? I've never been there".
She appreciated the topic "It's a lovely place too. Maybe warmer than here and with more insects. But it's very quiet. You should visit it someday" she soon regretted it. She was hoping to tell him goodbye. She didn't mean to invite him.
Something bit her hand and she gasped. Bushes of thornes were all around.
"I will. What happened? Are you hurt?" He stopped and checked her.
She took away a thorn from her finger "I'm fine. See? My blood is not blue".
She showed him the drop of blood then chewed it.
He smiled "Just be careful. We're not far".

They walked by the wood till they reached the top of the hill and followed a secret way throught big bushes to reach the small glade.
Vittoria gasped with relief and surprise.
In front of her there was a ravine. Just a wooden rail preserved from falling.
"It's so wonderful" she grabbed the rail to admire the landscape and the few lights in the near city, enjoying also the cool breeze.
"It really is. I come here when I'm looking for some peace from the rest of the world. It's kinda secret. I think nobody has come here for many years, so this place is hidden by those bad bushes we've been through".
She turned to him with a smile "I guess I couldn't find it by myself. And it would have been a pity if I'd miss it.  Thanks for bringing me here".
"Thank you for having been interested. You're the first person I show this place to" he confessed.
She grinned "You're kidding. Is this what you say to all the girls who fall into this trap of yours?".
"No, seriously" he looked to the landscape "I discovered this place a couple of years ago and kept it secret so far. Maybe I'm just tired of keeping it all for myself".
She decided to  believe him "Your secret is safe with me, I promise. God, the sky seems so clear too" she looked up and almost lost her balance.
He caught her before she could slip from the rail.
"Careful" he repeated laughing.
"Flying wasn't in my plans".
They laughed, but didn't restore they're distance.
They stayed silent for a while, just staring at each other in the low glimmer of the clear sky.
Then he asked in a deep murmur "How can you twist my whole world?".
She felt a shiver and innocently repled "I'm just crazy".
"As I am. Of you".
He bowed his head towards her and pressed his lips on hers.
Strong emotions shook her, but her arm act on its own will and the hand slapped him away.
"Oh my God!" She cried shocked "I'm so sorry!".
He exhaled with his eyes down "No, I deserved it".
"No, you didn't. I didn't mean to react like that. I was...".
He cut her off "It's alright. I shouldn't have dared..".
She interrupted him "No, believe me. I don't want you to think I wanted to reject you".
They just stared to each other. He had no choice but to believe her.
"You can't know how much I wish I'm not engaged" he said desperately "At the party when people thought you were my bride, I wanted to believe you were. Even if it was an illusion, I liked it".
"I'm so sorry. I'm not her".
"How I wish you are. I even thought that maybe you disguised just to know me in an indirect way".
"I never pretended. I don't want to pretend with you, never".
He swallowed hard "Same. Can we still pretend we are just two common peasants? The idea of going back to that hell of life of mine is a torture to me".
"Of course. We can stay here".
They stayed silent for minutes, till the emotions calmed down.
"Do you think there could be an afterlife? Or a next life? I wish I could become a swallow and fly everywhere I want".
He smiled "Fly away from any rules and freedom".
"Yeah freedom" sjmhe repeated.
"What we lack in this life" he concluded sadly "So I wish I'm a swallow too. So I can marry you and we will fly away together".
She laughed to hide her discomfort "There's no marriage for swallows".
"Right. But I want it anyway, so we'll be unique between swallows".
"Sounds great".
"Even being just peasants would be enough. We'd work hard but we'd have what we want".
She couldn't stop smiling "I agree".
"We're still peasants now, right?".
"So can I repair my previous mistake?".
She looked at him "And how would you do that?".
"Just like that" he touched her cheek then kissed her softly.
This time she was ready and didn't react bad.

They could have stayed there forever, but tiresome and duty called them back to the mansion.
They enjoyed as much as they could  the little time left. Small things became so meaningful, like holding hands while walking, turning and crossing their eyes at the same time, kidding.  They knew that time for goodbyes was menacing them and they would not move on that easily. 

At the mansion he showed her some secret ways to get into the courtyard without being noticed.
Only some nightwatchers were around and it was easy to avoid them.
"I don't want to be back who I am" he complained "For I have to say sorry for my behaviour. Just remember that I never wanted to take advantage on you".
"I know. I didn't want it either. It just happened".
"Yeah. But also I'm not pretending. I really feel something deep for you. I know it's like forbidden, but I can't help it" he tightened the grip at her hands.
"Same for me. Let's just not think about that. I can regret anything but this night. If only we'd been a little more lucky. We met just to break each other's heart".
"I can accept it. I never regret the moment I met you. You make me feel alive and complete".
She held her tears of joy "You have my heart. I can't think that I could ever meet someone who can make me fall as you did. Just remember this night. And remember me".
"I can't ever forget you, Vittoria".
She pulled him at her and kissed him passionately.
He aswered deepening the kiss, leaving both  breathless.
He watched her climbing back to her room and again his world went back into the darkness.

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