Chapter 20

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Elena didn't miss the life she left behind. She had never been a lazy girl, but for once in her lifetime she wanted to be a rebel and to fully own her life.

She spent the following days being a tourist in her own homeland, visiting towns she knew just by names.
She didn't need to travel far away to escape her ordinary self.
Alex became a precious mate who never gave her limits but pulled her beyond them. She didn't need to get drunk or drugged to get distracted.
There were many experiences she never thought of trying. It was as if she had been focused on single narrow point of view,  ignoring there were many other infinite points of view around her.
She just needed to try something new, to dare against the rules that had trapped her for so long. Curiosity was her new compass.

Few days with Alex and they come to know each other so far better than it ever happened with her long time friends.
She admitted to herself that she didn't love back Marco. He was a golden hearted boy, he was always ready to help her and listen to her, he kinda devoted her. But it was him who led her to that irrational obsession. She couldn't hate him  for that, but she knew that when she would have got back she couldn't pretend with him anymore. He deserved his freedom too.

"So you're taken?" One late evening Alex asked after sharing part of their stories while admiring the starry sky above them.
She bit her lips replying in a low tone "I wish I can say no".
Alex sighed nodding "So you are  but you don't want it? Why do you carry it on then?".
She pondered her choices "It will be another changing in my life".
"You didn't tell him yet? I noticed you never use your phone".
"That's part of my plan. To leave myself behind for a while".
"I thought you are owning yourself even now" he said carefully.
"That's not what I meant. It's hard to explain...".
"Don't worry. I know it and I understand it. I just... I've never met a girl like you before. I thought there was something wrong with me or I was asking too much. But you came like a miracle and I'm afraid I won't be able to  let you go easily".

Elena felt uneasy. It was the deepest declaration she ever got and she was also scared of what she was wanting.
Her new rebel attitude was pulling her to break all the chains from her past life, but she couldn't just live the present as she was determinated to do.
Some steps could have had big  consequences for the future.
She stood up and went back to her hotel.

They didn't talk about it for some days. A week had passed and Elena was thinking it was time to go back to Florence.
Alex disagreed, insisting that she wasn't ready yet and need some more days away from her cage.
Remembering his confession, she believed it was just his selfish attempt to spend more time with her.
Their opposite opinions brought them to a bad discussion under the rain, till suddenly he grabbed her and kissed her.
Elena wanted not to react. It was a cheating way to influence her decisions.
But soon she forgot what was that all about, why she was there under the rain, in a town she barely knew.
The whole world around her lost meaning.
All she felt was that Alex needed her, he was trying to express something deep. Not a temporary whim, not a childish war to win.
It was something she felt since she met him. That her world was turning in the right way. That everything was right.
The kiss was burning, it could be a long lasting flame that would have not consumed them.
Her instinct made her kiss him back. It didn't matter if she was clumsy, if that was a mistake. She knew she wasn't gonna regret it.

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