Chapter 1

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Florence, palazzo Medici Riccardi

After so many days of heavy rain, the sun was shining brighter than ever.
Elena looked out of one of the windows while her touristic group was listening to her narration.
After explaining the origins of the building, she focused on her favourite legend.
"Rumour has it that this had been the home of the Florentine version of Romeo and Juliet. There are not historical prooves of their existence. Riccardo de Medici was one of Cosimo's sons. We can suppose that he married for advantages Vittoria de Benedetti. We don't know much about their young lives. Legends narrate that Riccardo went to fight in a battle in northern lands and when the news of his death reached the wife, she left herself drowning into the cold waters of the Arno river.
There are different versions but the most tragical one says that Riccardo wasn't dead. It was a fake news spread by enemies. So when he came back home and got the news of his wife's death, he followed her destiny and nobody had the strength to stop him from this madness".
The tourists appeared touched by that tragic story.
"The history of Medici's family has so many fascinating shades. I like to think that in a period of combined marriages there was the possibility of pure devoted love. Well, if you don't have questions, we shall move to the next room".
Being a touristic guide was Elena's dream job. She was a young woman of twenty four who devoted herself to the history of her city.
Late in the afternoon she joined her coworkers, reunited in the undergrounds of the palace.
The recent massive flood caused many damages,  but led also to the discover of new rooms, which had been secret for centuries.
The archeologists were excited as if they found the Saint Grail.
Elena was woken up from her tired thoughts by Marco, another of the youngest members of the crew.
She gasped, fearing that he might suggest to hang out again and join some mad party.
Watching him closely she noticed he had a troubled expression on his pale face. He was staring at her in a weird way.
She checked herself to be sure that she had no donkey's ears or something messed.
"Something wrong?" She asked carefully.
"Elena! We found something... I don't know how to explain.. Just come and see".
"Is this some joke of yours? Marco, I warn you, I'm not forgive you this".
He took her hand to drag her downstairs "No, believe me, I'm serious. It's so creepy... I can't even believe it's true".
"What is creepy?" She was becoming impatient.
Marco looked at her with his dark green eyes "Just...come and see".
She forcee him to stop "No. I'm not going anywhere if you don't tell me clearly what's going on".
He sighed "Okay, then. We found Vittoria's portrait".
Elena gasped with surprise "Really? Oh my God, that's amazing! But why you have a face like you saw a ghost?".
"Yeah.. Not so far from truth. It's just..." He took a deep breath "It's just that she looks like you".

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