Chapter 2

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Elena stared at him in disbelief.

Then she laughed loudly "God, Marco, you're really bad with compliments. But I appreciate it. Shall I guess you're Riccardo?".

He was still serious in a way that made her shiver "I am serious, Elena. I can't believe it either. It looked like someone made a portrait of you and hid it there".

"Oh, come on. You're crazy".

"So come and look at that. Didn't you dream of being her?" He insisted.

"As you dream of being Ironman. Marco, your behaviour is ridiculous".

He sighed "This story is".

She agreed to follow him in the lowest ground.

"We never had a clue on Vittoria's aspect. I really never expected her to be like you" commented him with embarass.

Elena was still diffident. It should have been a bad joke or a silly dream.

"You always had this irrational passion for her story. This can't be just a coincidence! You dreamed of being her, right?".

She rolled her eyes "Again, as you dream of being Ironman or Dante".

"But we know that Ironman has the face of Robert Downey Jr and that's not me. And we know how Dante looked like. And I don't have his ugly nose".

Elena grinned "I'll make your nose bad as his if this story is a joke".

He wasn't even slightly touched by the menace.

She just felt more uncomfortable.

"Elena!" One of the archeologists greeted her and his eyes widened "Oh shit, now it's really scary".

Marco touched her arm to point to her the dark and dirty wall.

Just dim lights were fighting the cold darkness.

The young woman walked slowly on the wet pavement, like she was meeting something extremely delicate. Or dangerous.

The few people around got quiet, feeling that a paradox was happening in front of them.

Elena felt the need of running away. She had to force herself to go on.

The little portrait was waiting for her. No way it could have been a joke. It was clear it was centuries old.

Elena's eyes got used to that penumbra.

And then she stopped in front of it.

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