Chapter 16

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Vittoria managed to go pass the gates and the  wilderness surrounded her

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

Vittoria managed to go pass the gates and the  wilderness surrounded her.
Despair took over her. She panicked but she kept repeating it was for the best.
She could survive that, she could live without Riccardo knowing that she saved his city from a new war.
It was like many people said. Love just drives people mad and causes disasers.
She wiped her wet checks, when she heard noises from her back. She just incited her horse to go faster.
Riccardo's voice made her doubtful on her decision. A part of her wanted to surrender to him, the other one wanted to save him.
"Vittoria! Stop! Wait!" He kept shouting determinated as she was.
Florence was in front of her. Her home so much more further.
She was already tired when she arrived to a stream. A moment of hesitation and the young man reached her and stopped her horse.
"Did you want to leave without saying goodbye?" He asked tired.
She looked up at him desperately "I don't have the strength to say goodbye to you".
"So don't. You never need to do that".
"I must. You belong to here. I don't. I can't ever".
He stared at her praying "Vittoria, we just need to wait some more time. I'm sorry if I dragged you into this, but I can't lose you. If I let you go, I'll miss this chance forever. It's now or never".
"It's not only us! It's your family's destiny, your own city!".
"I don't care. I'm sick of sacrificing everything for the world. This is the only thing I want for me. You are the only reason that makes me fight so hard. Then I'll gladly pay back the world for this. Please, now come back with me. It's getting darker".
"I can't let you sacrifice Florence for me. You will hate me for this".
"I will never hate you" he corrected.
"You can't know that".
"I'm sure of that. I can live a hundred years and my love for you will just grow stronger. Don't ask me why or how. I just know that, as I know that I'm alive now".
She shook her head "You're so mad, Riccardo de Medici. You should go back. You can't force me to come with you".
He smirked "But I can follow you everywhere. I'd love to be just a peasant. We can do it. We can find a lovely place somewhere and survive, together. There's nothing that bonds me to this place anymore. We can make our own world. You are my home now".
It sounded like a wonderful idea. Vittoria enjoyed its sweet taste "I've never deserved you".
"Deserve, right, duty, destiny. What is the meaning of all of that? Compared to what we want?".
She nodded "We want something so easy, to live together. And that's the greatest future I can imagine for me. I'm just so scared. Maybe it's something too big to ask".
He gave her a hand blinking "So let's be so ambitious, just once. Let's rule our lives. Let's fight for it. Then the world can ask any price. Come with me".
She hesitated "Is that what you really want?".
He immediately replied smiling "Yes. Always".

Author's note:
I got obsessed with the song from the tv series ( called 'Renaissance' by Skin and Paolo Buonvinoand on the top there's a collage with screenshots of Richard Madden as Cosimo de Medici from the great music video.

(I remind that in this fanfiction of mine Richard Madden plays Cosimo's son, Riccardo - just the Italian translation of Richard lol ;) - and
is just a fictional character created by me, just like the character of Vittoria and her family.

Vittoria is a 'tribute' to Jenna Coleman who played the queen Victoria in a recent tv series. I'm so sad that Jenna and Richard broke up, I shipped them so much. The king in the north and the imoossible girl was the best celebrity couple and tv series crossover :/ .
But I casted Adelaide Kane from Reign, inspired by her character's link with Caterina de Medici, queen of France and descendant of the famous family this story is based on.

If there are question, just ask me! I'm glad to interact with anyone :)

Freak of Time, History's Game ( I Medici Masters Of Florence) Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ