Chapter 3: School troubles

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What should I call Uni's split personality? If you have a name for them please comment it cause I have no ideas!

Uni's POV

As me and Nick were walking down the halls I saw people staring at me a whispering to eachother. I tried to ignore it but I couldn't. I kept imagining people beating me up and calling me names. I am so terrified. Well we could easily just kill them and take over this school. No! Leave me alone!

Nick: "Uni are you ok? You look kinda pale"

Uni: "Huh? Oh Y-Yea I'm f-fine"

Nick: "Are you sure?"

With a worried look on his face he put his hand on my forehead to probably chack if I had a fever or something. I move back to get his hand off my forehead.

Uni: "........yeah I'm s-sure"

He then looks at me with a straight face and sighs.

Nick: "Ok...I trust you"

Nick's POV

I know he's lying. Uni always lies about how he feels. I don't know why though. Can't he tell me whats wrong?....!

I came out of my thoughts and kept walking with Uni. I started noticing people staring at him as if he was a freak! Just because he has an eye patch and blue hair doesn't mean he's wierd people! I wish I could say that outloud but knowing Uni he would just be embarrassed and humiliated. Even though I can't say that I can still give people death glares. I bring Uni closer to me to make him feel safe. I am like his brother so it's like a brotherly hug.

Uni's POV

Me and Nick were still walking to my class. This is a really long hallway! How big is this school anyways? I'll ask Nick!

As I look at Nick and began to open my mouth I see him giving glares to everyone that was looking at me. Nick also held me close in a brotherly way. I blush by embarrassment. He can be so embarrassing sometimes!

Cory's POV

After seeing Uni and Nick walk to together into the school I started to get angry but at the same time I felt crushed. Maybe they are dating. What chance do have to date a guy like Uni? But I won't think that! I am determined to find out if they are dating!
(I guess you can say Cory is...filled with DETERMINATION. No? Ok *walks to the dark corner in her room*)

Everybody stood there quietly looking at the floor not daring to say one word. Honestly I didn't want to say anything either. I had too many questions in my head to say anything.

Jess's POV

Nobody said a word. I felt too guilty to say a word. I can't believe we scared someone by asking them questions. We are too curious sometimes!

After a couple of minutes of silence I finally had the courage to speak up.

Jess: "Now I feel bad"

Everyone just looked at me then slowly looked back at the ground.

Jin: " too"

Jin said while kicking a small little pebble that was in front of him to Adam's feet.

Adam: "I can't believe we scared him"

He said kicking the small pebble that was in front of him past Jin.

Barney: "Wes should gos apologizes"

Shelby: "We should do apologize at lunch"

Max: "Shelby's Right...we should"

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