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::where yoongi takes the bus every friday::

Yoongi had a habit of only taking the bus back from work on Fridays.

He didn't even know why. But, he did.

He always sat on the empty seat near the door, so he used less energy as possible to move out.

Yoongi didn't do anything special or unique while on the bus, just looked out the window- very common.

He liked to lean back on the seat, with his bag on his lap. He would've liked to lean his head on the window, but to his distaste, it shook too much when the bus moved.

Oddly enough, in the time he returned home on Fridays, the bus was fairly empty.

Like every Friday, Yoongi was motionlessly watching the world out the window whiz by.

And, it stopped on the stop at Hope Street, like every Friday.

But, unlike every Friday, he felt someone sit on the seat next to him.

Isn't the bus, like, half empty?

Yoongi turned back to look at the bus, looked like normal. Just empty, with an exception of four other people.

Yoongi finally turned to face the person sitting next to him.

The moment he saw the man, his breath got stuck in his throat.

He had bright orange hair, his hair covering his forehead.

He looked younger than him- but damn did he look hot.

"Uh- excuse me-? The whole bus's almost empty... Why did you pick this seat?"

The man just shrugged. "It's easier to get off."

Same reason as me, I see...

Yoongi didn't think anymore to it and turned to look back out.

And, for weeks- months- this continued. Only on Fridays, though.

His name was Jimin- as they introduced each other the second time this happened. Then, he found that Jimin was younger than him by two years.

Gradually, Yoongi's habit of looking out the window was replaced by conversing with Jimin. Their conversations never really got boring- neither did the bright smile the younger held or his laugh whenever Yoongi made a joke.

One Friday, Yoongi felt like his hair was growing too long, and his dyed blonde hair was fading. So, he visited the hair salon. He got it trimmed a bit and decided to dye it a new color.

Why not mint? Well, Jimin's is orange and he looks hot, so mint won't look weird either, I hope.

That day, he took the bus at a different time, at 9 p.m., unlike his usual 8 p.m.

The bus was even more empty that day, with only one other person, who was at the way back. But, Yoongi felt more empty at the heart- and he had an uncanny feeling that it was related to a certain orange haired boy.

But, he shrugged it off- he's been doing that a lot these days. He noticed the little changes in his own behavior dealing with Jimin.

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