chapter 10

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"Hey Lil, what's up." asked Brianna.

"Huh?" I said rubbing my head.

"Shawn told me about what happened last night and.... Jack, he needs Jesus. But I could give a guy like him that." she snickered.

"Good luck Bri, that is not going to be easy." I frowned.

"Hey don't let those idiots ruin your day." She elbowed my in my side.

I laugh at the thought of Jack even getting better or even getting a girlfriend. Walking down the hall we both saw Shawn walking towards me and winked at me. I couldn't help but blush.

"Dang girl, I wish I had a man like just the thought of basorexia" she smiled.

How could she not be so axiomatic, I know she's my bestfriend but the serendipity in him just duende me and sends a frisson. Yet Jack is so selcouth and to me is only so filipendulous in my eyes maybe he was even capernoited. 

"Would you be mad if I asked Jack out?" She asked. 

"Really...." I roll my eyes.

"Why not?" She blushes red like a tomato. 

"He's not a good guy bri, He's funny and cute but I don't know." I sigh.


"For what?" I raised my eyebrow.

"Now I know what I am going to do." She smiled.

"Oh... I see." I bursted out laughing. 

"So are you going to homecoming Lil?" 

"I don't know, maybe...." 

"Why maybe?!? Shawn is hot. Aren't the two of you like a thing?"

"Since after the fight it's been kinda awkward and I'm still not sure." I said fumbling with my pencil. 

"You should. You'd guys would be a cute couple." Brianna smirked.

"Everyone says that when one's desperate and doesn't have the guts to ask." 

"It's true!" 

"Okay fine I will, But before sixth period." I sigh.

"I'll be there, see ya." she waved bye.

later that day I was super nervous. My hand felt clammy and by the time it was fifth period my stomach felt as if it completely flipped. Walking to his class was harder than I thought. Maybe I shouldn't, he probably doesn't even like me like that. I thought to myself.

"Hey Lil, what's up?" he asked messing with his tousled hair. 

"Um.... well I know i should have asked you this earlier but would you like to go to homecoming with me?" My voiced shaked.

"Yes." he smiled brightly.


"Yes." he smiled.

"yes!" I laughed.

"Okay I'll be there at 8:00." 

"Awesome." I twirled with my hair.

He walked back into his class and I could not help but run over to Brianna shrieking and jumping up and down with her.

"He said yes!!" I squealed. 

"YAY!!! I told you he would!" 

my day is now complete.  

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