chapter 6

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"Shawn wake up or you're going to be late for school!!" Aaliyah continued jumping on my bed.

"I'm up, I'm up!" I blurted out rubbing my eyes then rolling off my bed.

I checked the time on my cellphone, jumping out of bed throwing on some clothes. I didn't even bother to make my bed this morning and head to the bathroom. Brushed my teeth, took a shower and found some clothes and partially attempted to do my hair. Honestly I've never been this happy to go back to school. Pretty weird.... nah it's because of Lilly. I rushed out the door grabbing my guitar case. I finally gave her my number a couple days ago and I have to say I feel pretty proud of myself. I'm not that type of guy that would give his number to a girl he just met last week, but we go to the same school. So technically we are not strangers. Suddenly my phone went DING!

L- hey

S- hey wass up?

L- can i ask you something?

S- yeah of course, anything

L-what is it going to be like today?

S-like the weather...?

L- no, i mean like at school

S- however you'd like it to be

L- i don't want it to be awkward for you at school

S-pfft no way, i'm cool with it

L- good, i want to say thanks about last night

S-my pleasure ;)

Then Jack texted me.

J- hey dude, how did it go with Lil

S- not bad i must say

J- woah .... what happened, i wanna know

S-k i'll be at school in a few

Lilly's POV

I could not stop thinking about Shawn last night even after the kiss. As soon as I woke up I cleaned up and threw on a flannel with blue skinny jeans.

"Why so happy?" My mom asked while staking dishes in the cupboard.

"Oh it's nothing." I smiled dashing out the door. I tweeted shawn good morning and he tweeted back "morning beautiful". He makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside. It's hard to not talk to him. When I walked up to the school building I saw Shawn and his best friend Jack laughing and just being them.

"Hey guys."

"So, I've heard you and Shawn had a little make out session last night." said Jack elbowing me in my waist.

"Uh-huh." I said wrapping my arms across my chest

"What ever, I heard everything." He teased.

I blushed even more and looked at Shawn. He just shrugged and wrapped his arm my waist and went inside. One girl ran down the hall searching for someone. She pushed right into me knocking me to the floor with her.

"Hey watch where you are looking." I said rubbing the back of my head.

"LILLY!!?!?" She said in excitement.

"Brianna!!!" I shouted while hugging her tightly.

"I've missed you so much, where have you been" She said squeezing a bit too hard.

"I came back from California and moved here back to Canada." We both stood up not even bothering to let go of each other. Then the bell rang.

"Come on Lil, we should get to class before we're late." Said Shawn.

After Brianna left I couldn't stop squealing. I am not such a loner after all. I Mean, school won't be as bad as I thought it would.

"Who was that hottie back there Lilly?" Jack kept staring back to look for her.

"Haha very funny jack." I said then Shawn took my hand smiling and kissed my cheek before class.

"Now meet me here before next period. I don't want to lose you again."

"Okay." I mumbled, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear.

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