chapter 2

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The bell rang, student of my homie freshman's to the Super superior and not so fun seniors collide together rushing to their classes. I sit down on the nearest bench opening up my can of monster and just watch them all. From the preppy social-totally last year trend girls to nerds to lame jocks, the emo, the student senate, the casual next door types, the cheerleaders. And then there is Emma. Oh Emma.

"Shawn....?" Jack waves his hand in front of my face back and forth.

"huh..? oh hey my man! I said slapping his shoulder.

"let me guess skipping class again?" Jack said sarcastically. 

"I've got more important things to do then listen Mr. Johnson tell me about history." 

"they were very important people Shawn." Jack said sitting down on the bench next to me. 

"They are dead, what's the point." I shrugged. 

Jack sighed, pulled out the notes for chapter 3 and threw them on my lap. 

"Thanks buddy." I smirked. 

"Yeah whatever, hey did you see Emma's new boyfriend?" 

"WHAT?!" I snorted out my monster all over Jack's  notes. 

"Thanks for the wet notes dude, I "really" appreciate that." 

I sat up, shoving his wet notes in his face to confront Emma's "new boyfriend". 

"Excuse me, Um who would you might be?" I smirked at Emma's boyfriend tapping his shoulder.

"Shawn what's your deal?" He shoved me up against the wall.

"Brad please, don't leave him alone" Emma pulled her boyfriend back.

"No I'm going to take care of this."

"Oh hey sure why not." I suggested. 

"I've heard that you've got quite bad reputation there buddy." He smirked. 

"At least i have a life unlike you." I snarled back. 

"OH, I can arrange that." he pulled up his sleeve pas his elbows, cracking his knuckles.Jack came up behind him and dumped my leftover monster all down his football jersey and ran like no tomorrow. I could not stop laughing, Brad grabbed my shirt in his fist and growled at me then pushed me to the ground. 

"Nice one Jack!" I hollered at him from down the stair steps.

"Yeah, lets just pray I don't get killed before my trig test, he got pretty wet."

"THAT'S WHAT SHE SAID!" I exploded in laughter. 

"UGH man, shut up." Jack sighed hitting me in the shoulder.

"So Shawn, what are you going to do about Emma, because prom is next month?" 

"Oh you know." I snickered.

"I swear, I question myself almost everyday why I get involved in your stupid pranks of yours like honesty." He sighed 

"Hey its not like I'm killing Brad, dude chill." 

"You could... I mean then you'd be crazy but you already are so there is no changing that."

"Shawn mendes!! the office now!" Ms. Forman started down the hall.

"DUDE, Jack please I cant handle her, just tranquilize her or something" I say covering my ears from her obnoxious voice. I continue to drag my feet to her office, the unbearable hell of which is contained of test scores my failing GPA and history of police records. 

"What should you say for yourself?!" she shouted at me.

"You know I'm right here, you don't have to yell that voice of your." I cringe.

"Fine Shaw, I'm done with you little pranks. I'm giving you suspension."

"PFFFT! oh no not suspention!" I laughed.

"I will also be notifying your parents about this by the way."

"Go ahead." I smiles resting my arms behind my head.Embarrassing as it is my palms are sweating like crazy and crap, what will my parents do? oh well been there done that. I began to snicker to myself.

"Shawn I'm really curious, where do you see yourself in the future, because if you keep this act up you will never be successful in life." she walked in circles around me.

"You know what, I really don't know."

"You better figure that out soon because we are having a new student tomorrow morning and you are going to take her to your classes each day and show her around without any complaints as apart of your punishment."

"Ohhhh yes."

"Yeah" she rolled her eyes.

"Now get to class Shawn." 

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