Girl Band

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“Babe! Calum!” You shrieked into your house, running around frantically with a huge grin on your face. You’d just gotten the best news from your manager and you couldn’t wait to tell Calum, your boyfriend. See, calum was in a band, 5 seconds of summer and your relationship was on the down low, mostly because he knew the fans would have something to say about the age gap.

“What?” Calum asked, sitting up on your bed with your new puppy he’d bought for you a few weeks ago. You leaped onto the bed, bouncing with excitement.

“Guess what my manager just told me.” you told him, anxiously waiting for him to guess.

“What?” He asked again, chuckling at your extreme excitement. You let out another squeal, hugging a pillow to your chest as you began to tell him.

“You’re looking at the opening act for 5 Seconds of Summer’s upcoming tour!”

"Wait! Girls After Dark are coming with us?!" He was so happy for you. He got up and embraced you in a bone crushing hug.

You yelped, "don't damage me before tour even starts" you giggled. Everything was going perfect, until pictures of you and calum on a date in London were all over the internet. You sat in your hotel crying when calum came in.

"Hey babe i- what's wrong?" He rushed over to be by your side. You sniffled and showed him your phone

"@calum5sos why her? She's like 12 and your so out of her league"

"@calum5sos hope your new girlfriend was worth the amount of fans you lost"

He looked over at you and shook his head

"Tour was suppose to be fun" you sobbed. Calum put your phone down and pulled you in his lap.

"Look babe, no one said tour was easy, people are going to tear you apart, but you want to know something?" You looked up at him.

"No matter how many people hate you, I never will. You and me til the end" he kissed your temple calming you down.

"Thanks calum" you closed your eyes.

Maybe tour won't be so bad after all you thought.

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