Episode 1 ▶ Pilot

Comenzar desde el principio

Jude and I looked back to see it was Callie, who looked like she had snuck in. My eyes widen, relieved to see her.

"I just want to talk to my my brother and sister." She tried to reason.

"No! Shut up! No!" My Foster Father yelled. "No you get out of this house!"

"Callie..." I stepped forward.

"You! Don't move!" He snapped at me, causing me to stop in my tracks.

"Look, I'm sorry about your car." Callie tried to apologize.

"No, get out of here!" He grabbed her shoulders roughly, and a curly haired brunette stepped into the house from the front door. "Hey, don't touch her!"

I pull Jude into my arms, once my Foster Father takes a gun out of the draw and points it at the guy. "Ok, shut up!"

"Ok, ok, ok..." The boy put his hands up.

Tears streamed down my cheeks at the unfolding of the scene, pure fear running through my veins of the danger of my siblings lives right now.

My heart drops every time he points the gun from Callie to the boy, and back to Callie. I found myself pulling Jude closer and closer to me.

"Police! Freeze!" Said a blonde police woman, coming from the back door with her gun drawn. "Freeze! Get down on your knees!"

My Foster father followed her commands, as Callie rushed into our arms. We held each other tight, crying in fear, yet so relieved and happy to see each other.

"Mila.." She held my cheek which she noticed was red. "Callie." I looked at her scabbed busted lip and bruised cheek. We cried even harder before looking down at our little brother, and squeezing each other tightly.


After our ex foster father got arrested and the cops showed up, Callie helped us pack our things and told us about the new family we were going to be staying with.

With our bags in hand, we walked outside the house, passing an African American woman with huge curly hair, who I assumed was Lena, was talking and standing beside Brandon.

We helped Jude into the car before going over and talking to Stef who was not happy at all.

"I would like you to understand how this, tonight, could've ended very, very badly." She explained, looking at Callie.

Callie looked down. "Look, if you want to send me back to juvie, then just promise me Jude and Camila will be somewhere safe."

"Don't listen to her." I interject. "She just wanted to help us, please don't be mad at her for that. We just got my sister back, and we can't loose her again."

My eyes got watery but I swallowed them down, holding hands with Callie.

Stef looked at Callie, a sincere look in her eyes. "You're not disposable, Callie. You're not worthless." She looked at me. "The same goes for you. No ones going anywhere."

I smiled appreciatively, squeezing Callie's hand. "Come on here, let's go." Stef led us into the car. Once we squeezed inside, beside Jude she closed the door after me.

"Hey." Said the cop, that was Brandon's dad and Stef's ex husband, leaning in the car to talk to Brandon. "You know I'm going to kill you, if your mom doesn't kill you first."

Brandon nodded, looking down. "Yeah."

He received a pat on the shoulder. "Love you, B."

"I love you, too."

His Dad closed the door, leaving the four of us. "I'm sorry." Callie said after a moment. "But you didn't have to come."

"Yes, I did." Brandon objected.

There was a moment of silence before he looked at me, holding his hand out. "Hi, I'm-"

"Brandon. I know." I gave a small nod.

He pulled his hand back. "Yeah."

There was now an awkward silence, and Callie and I gave small smirks to one another.

Stef and Lena go into the car, Stef into the drivers seat and Lena in the passenger. "Buckle up!" She told us all as she started up the car. We all obeyed and she pulled off down the street. I held hands with both Jude and Callie, finally relived for once in a long time.

I didn't know what was going to happen to us but I was glad that we got our sister back.


Don't know if I want to continue so comment and tell me what you think

Camila, Callie's Twin Sister (The Foster's Fanfiction)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora