what the hell....

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*Lilly's P.O.V *

I have been awake for a few weeks. But things have been really bad. 

I have been screaming in my sleep, having horrible nightmares, I can't even blink without having atlest a flash back to that night.... The night that changed everything for me....  (I know this pretty much happened to stiles but.... Just go with it  ≧ω≦       ≧∇≦    = ̄ω ̄=)

*flash back*

I was running through the woods doing my daily routine of what I would call a 'workout'.  I stopped to take a break and rest my legs. I was all by myself like I have been since the day I ran away.  I was sitting up against a fallen tree when I heard the sound of low growling and I quickly turned around while going into a crouching position. That's when I saw it.... It's piercing red misty eyes.... It started creeping out of the shadows just enough to make me widen my werewolf eyes in a new look of fear.... I was terrified.  It took small steps towards me showing its gigantic demonic frame.  I slowly started to slide back until it tried to pounce. I took off running at a supernatural speed glancing back only to see it chasing after me. A few minutes of darting behind trees I saw an abandoned mall and ran to it.  Darting up the stairs and letting my inner-wolf come out. I felt my legs give out an extra burst of supernatural energy as I was growing in height and size.  Feeling my bones shift to my new form as I made it to the roof top. I turned around and saw it freeze a few meters in front of me. I showed my teeth to try and scare it off but it only snarled back. So I lunged forward and hit it straight in the chest watching it skid across the roof to a complete stop and almost hitting the edge.

'I can shove this beast right off the roof'

'or can I?'

It started charging at me so I did the same. We meet in the middle and slammed into each other both of us stumbling backwards. It started to growl and snap at me.  I was then caught off guard and thrown to the ground instantly falling through the roof and landing on the third story floor and screamed out in pain as a pipe went through my stomach. The beast looked at me from up above and in a demonic voice said "your loved ones are going to die....

By your hands"

*end of flashback /dream*

"LILLY WAKE UP! " my eyes flew open and I was screaming and flailing around dad was in front of me holding my head in his hands while stiles had his arms wrapped around my waist holding me protectively. I stopped screaming after a few minutes and started sobbing. Stiles buried his face in the crook of my neck and I could feel him shaking and he had tears going down his cheeks.

"s-s-stiles i-im f-fine. "I stuttered between sobs and shaky breaths.

"no your not.... You haven't been since you got back. " he said shakily.

"Lilly what happened to you while you were out there? "dad asked I closed my eyes and felt another flashback starting so I quickly forced it away and leaned my head against Stiles' shoulder.

"lilly....we can't help unless you tell us what happened ...."I shook my head and felt a single tear roll down my cheek the memories of what happened to me during that month flooding back all at once causing me to shake and breath heavily. I let out a super quiet whimper and Stiles pulled me closer to him.

"Shhhhhh I'm here.... it's ok....you don't have to tell us until you're ready" that night stiles stayed with me to make sure I was ok.

"thanks stiles...." I whispered.

"anything for you Lil's "

Hey guys thanks for reading sry it took so long but my wattpad keeps glitching out and won't let me save some times 😤😡😬😠😧😥 

Don't judge my shitty story

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