Only Kara

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*Lilly's P.O.V*

I woke up feeling super weak. I looked around and saw Scott talking to Allison's mother.

'what happened?'

'the bitch hit you guys with a fucking Durango'

'wow I guess she really didn't want us to wake up from that for awhile'

'BITCHES BE CRAZY....we got to get out of here'

'I can't to tired'



'sorry I got caught up in the moment'

'ya think'

'now come on and do something with your pathetic life'

'we are literally the same person'

'oh ya'

'your an idiot'

' correction we're an idiot' (lol I love Kara!)

I used all my strength to try and stand up but I rolled right off the edge of the wagon/table thingy.

"look who's finally awake."luckily no one saw me face plant.

'I saw that ya stupid bitch'

'not a good time to joke around Kara! '

'oh yeah I forgot about that freaky scary werewolf hunter bitch that's trying to kill us.... Sorry'

I pushed myself off of the ground and was met by the Argent woman.

"how are you even standing up right now?"

"I'm not your average werewolf you stupid bitch. " I quickly threw a punch and she stumbled backwards from the sudden pain that went through her cheek and jaw.

"that's it"

'let the beatings commence'

20 minutes later

I was sitting up against the wall gasping for air as I was being kicked and punched by Mrs. Argent until Scott did the unthinkable he looked into my eyes and roared as loud as he could. Not even a minute later Derek came running in and started fighting. After the battle was over Derek ran to Scott and caught a glimpse of me on his way out the door so he came back for me.

" come on stay with me."

"mmmmhmm"i groaned out in pain.

"were have you been....we looked everywhere for you"

"I found a-an abandon m-mall and took shelter there." (PS I changed the amount of time Lilly was missing to 1 month....carry way.... If you know what this song is then you are fucking amazing lol)

"Isaac is going to flip shit when he see's you."

"not if he doesn't know I'm here." I tried to push myself up so I could leave but I let out a cry of pain instead.

"so you were planning on going without saying anything to me." I was picked up off the ground and slammed up against the wall I looked at the person and saw Isaac with glowing eyes staring back at me.

"i-isaac I c-cant b-breath."

"Isaac let her go."

"this doesn't concern you McCall."

"Isaac put her down!"

"SHUT UP SCOT-"his grip disappeared and I collapsed to the ground gasping for air. I looked up and saw Scott crouch down next to me. I looked over at Isaac and saw his normal eyes that were filled with tears.

"l-lilly I'm so sorry I don't know why I did that. " I was shaking and bleeding alot and I was starting to feel dizzy so I closed my eyes and leaned against Scott.

"Isaac we know you didn't mean it.... You were poisoned by someone or something."

"Lilly come on stay awake....please....for me" I managed to let out a small groan.

"mmmhmm...."I shifted myself so I could lean against his chest.

"we got to get her to Dr. Deton."I started coughing and I could taste the blood that was coming out of my mouth now.

" this is going to hurt. " he started to pick me up bridal style and I let out a cry of pain. Then the pain started to fade.

"Scott s-stop p-plea-"but my body went numb and I collapsed my head on to his chest.

" come on s-stay with me.... Please keep your eyes open." it sounded like he was talking from a distance....a long distance.

'lilly you have to stay up'

'I'm sorry....i cant'

Hey guys I hope you liked this chapter. It was way different than the last time I wrote this chapter but as you all know.... IT DIDNT FUCKING SAVE!!!

thanks for reading guys! 😜😝😛😙😊

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