"Blake that's crazy she would have to have pictures of us and it probably costs a fortune!" I said shutting down that crazy idea

"She could use our yearbook pictures and look at her she looks just like us!" Blake exclaimed

I turned my head to look at the doll. She had blue eyes like Blake and you could tell she had brown hair. She had my nose and my face structure. Holy shit, she looks like a little us but again I doubt she did what he said. That would be creepy and weird.

"She's beautiful" I said

"Just like you" he barely said but I could still make out what he said.

He turned to look at me and I blushed. What's with me and the blushing.

The car stopped outside a building named "Lucy's Diner"

We got out of the car and walked in. I had our baby in my arms which reminded me to get a carriage for her so it's easier to do things.

"Blake! What a surprise I told you, you didn't have to work today!" An older lady said who looks like she's in her late fifties.

"I know Lucy I just wanted to stop by and get a bite" he smiled

Lucy turned to me and smiled. She then looked at Nichole and her eyes grew big

"Blake please tell me she isn't yours" Lucy said

"It's a doll Lucy don't worry it's for school and this is my friend Emma" Blake assured her

"Hi it's nice to meet you Lucy! You have a lovely diner" I said with a smile

"She's a keeper Blake" Lucy said while winking making him blush.

"C'mon" he dragged me to a table and handed me a menu. The waitress came and took our orders and quickly came back with our food. I was having a small bowl of vanilla ice cream while Blake was having a big plate of fries with ketchup all over the top. What a pig.

"Blake?" I asked getting his attention

"Hmm" he hummed

"What are we?" I asked nervously

"What do you mean?" Blake asked looking up from his food with a weird expression

"Are we friends, or just project partners?" I asked interested in what he would say. I mean he did tell Lucy that we were friends.

"I thought we were starting to be friends but if you don't want to I can see why" he said I could see that what I said hurt him. Even though he would never admit it I could see it in his eyes that I really did hurt him.

"Oh" now I feel stupid. God Em, you're stupid of course he thought we were friends

"Do you hate me?" He asked

"No!" I said a little bit too loud

"Soo we are?" he seemed confused and honestly so did I

"Friends?" I suggested hoping he'll agree

"Friends" he replied with another one of his famous grins

I could get used to being friends with him. We ate our lunch in silence but it was comfortable. Blake said we didn't have to pay since he worked here so we just left a tip and headed out. I could tell he was thinking about something so I decided to ask him what's up.

"You ok?" I asked him

"Yeah just thinking" Blake mumbled. Well no shit.

"About?" I asked trying to make him talk

"Stuff" he obviously didn't want to talk about it. So I decided to drop it

He sighed and started the car

"I was going to take you to the beach but I have to go somewhere, I'm driving you home" Blake said looking at his phone

"Where do you have to go?" I asked him. His plans always change so quickly

"No where important just please go home" Blake begged

"Ok" I said ending the conversation

We drove home in silence until we reached my house I took Nichole and said goodbye. I walked inside, put her on a chair, and laid on my bed. I checked my phone a saw I had 2 messages

From Meg

Alright, feel better! Xx

From Blake

Sorry about cutting today short. Meet me at the park tomorrow at 11 and bring Nichole

I quickly replied to Blake saying ok. I put my phone away and realized how tired I was. I walked down stairs and had a glass of water before going back upstairs and fell asleep.

The Baby Project: Book 1Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant