.: 028 - Rescue :.

43 15 0

prompt; rescue

fandom; bungou stray dogs

word count; 124

The fleeting taps of his footsteps echoed throughout the vicinity, sweat beading and trickling down his forehead. He wasn't much of a professional athlete without the Beast Beneath the Moonlight, though he pushed his legs harder to make the sprint.

The panicky fear of losing his suicidal friend haunted him-- he had to rescue him.

"Dazai--! Dazai, please--! Where are you?!"

Silence greeted him in return, accompanied by nothing but a constant beat and rhythm of steps.

The metal door swung open, revealing the everlasting soft smile of the detective, lightly picking at the bandages adorning his arms while waving 'hello'-- or was it 'goodbye'?

"Oh, Atsushi. You found me... hahaha. But, really. You shouldn't be rescuing someone who doesn't want to be saved."

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