.: 007 - Mist :.

110 16 6

prompt; mist

fandom; kagerou project / mekakucity actors

word count; 134

The painfully heating, scorching sun rays rained down, roughly pecking at the duo's skin. The soothing wind passing by made it slightly more bearable, though it was still tormenting to be left in the haze. They couldn't see much of their surroundings, a growing, foggy mist blocking the general view around them.

"Hibiya! Hey, where are we? It's so hot...! Do me a favor and investigate whatever is behind that mist, alright? It's an obstacle." an active, demanding voice called out, a soft grin forming on her lips.

The boy sighed, reluctantly getting onto his feet to execute the order. He would've done anything for his crush; anything for Hiyori Asahina.

Little did he know, what lay past the thick, clouded mist would've led them to their inevitable doom.

'Welcome to the Heat Haze.'

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