Marley Scott

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No, I was not in hiding. Yes, I am a terrible updater. :)


Sweat glazed my skin as I sat in the dull waiting room, anxiously bouncing my left leg. My heart beat erratically, and my eyes danced over the mundane scenarios presented before me. A sniffling child and their mother sat together. To my left, a couple had their arms around the other as their free hands caressed a swollen, very pregnant belly.

The woman is blonde with a lean, yet muscular physique. The same could be said for her companion, but he is a bit more muscular, and has a mop of black hair atop his head. They catch Marley's eye with their affection, and she yearns to be in their situation: happily in love as they wait for their new child, each looking into the other's eyes with anticipation and joy.

Marley, however, is alone and worried. Three months into her pregnancy after the father deserted her and she's sitting in the waiting room of a general clinic, hoping and praying that the reason her doctor called her in for an analysis wasn't malignant.

She hoped that her child wouldn't be born with thalassemia, the blood disorder when your body doesn't have enough oxygen-carrying proteins. It's a chronic disorder that can make your child weak, tired, and slow-growing.

Marley should know. Her sister is thalassemic. For their entire lives, her family paid for Vera's expensive treatment that kept her alive. Though her sister is still sick, she is happily married with two children that are somehow perfectly healthy. Thalassemia is genetic, so Marley has every reason to be anxious.

Marley is broken from her thoughts when the woman to her left taps her shoulder and asks, "Are you alright?"

"Umm, not particularly," She attempts a smile, but it turns into a grimace.

As Marley's gaze hit the floor, she saw in her peripheral that the woman give a worried glance toward her partner. Marley swallowed deeply, hoping this situation wouldn't grow more awkward.

"If you want to talk, we're great listeners - well, kinda. We're both very ADHD," she laughs slightly. "This is my husband, Percy, by the way. My name's Annabeth."

I give a quick shake to both of their hands, "I'm Marley, and it's okay. I wouldn't want to burden you." I'm ready for the conversation to end, but her husband speaks for the first time. His voice is moderately smooth and deep.

"Trust me, we can handle it," Their eyes meet once again, and it is significantly heavier than I expected. They are obviously dealing with something...

"Uh, alright," She didn't exactly know why, but Marley launched into an abridged version of the explanation of her problems. She told them of her sister, everything her family had to endure, and how her parents took the brunt of it all. All the financial problems, all the sadly necessary expenses, yet her sister still ended up suffering till then. These things led to her rational fear of her baby's future, and how there was no one to help her, seeing as both her parents lived in a different state, and the father had skipped out.

Once she started, it was hard to stop. The same could be said about the silent tears that began streaming down her rosy cheeks.

She was surprised by the tissue that was extended by a calloused hand. She looked up to see Annabeth with a sorrowful expression.

Marley quickly wiped away the salty droplets as well as her nose, "I'm sorry for pouring my literal sob story on you. It wasn't very... usual."

"It's completely fine, trust us. We've been through a couple of bad things as well, and we understand," Percy rubbed her arms affectionately. "You just need to know that your baby will be fine, and so will you. From what I can tell, you've gone through bad stuff too, so you can handle anything that doctor throws at you."

Annabeth gently squeezed my shaking hand, and my heart beat erratically, "Thank you. So much," It was the look in the couple's eyes that made me ask, "I know this is probably not appropriate, but will you come with me? Unless, of course, your appointment is soon. In that cas-"

Percy interrupted her, "We would definitely be honored to." All three of them shared smiles that almost lifted a weight off her shoulders.

That was how Marley found herself gasping in joy with two kind people as the doctor told her that her baby would be completely and absolutely happy.

Marley left that clinic with an enormous smile on her face and two new contacts in her phone, as well as a address.

Annabeth and Percy Jackson.




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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01, 2017 ⏰

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