Chapter Thirty-Two

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Kane holds us captive in our own village. In my own home. I think of it as a twisted, cruel plan, but Kane sees it as clever. I've never wanted someone dead this much until I met him. He's a twisted creature, he's a creature of the night.

The sad thing that makes my heart break is that Kane makes me curious. He's so interesting. I want to dig deep into his mind and figure out why he's wired this way. I want to know why he treats everyone like dirt and why he thinks he's the king of the world. I want to know what broke him; I want to know what he's loss. I want to know how to fix him. Deep inside of me I want to fix him. I want to rewire his split wires and complete him, but I would never speak these words inside of me aloud. I would be disowned by my father and shamed by my village. It's best to keep these thoughts tight within me. Somewhere deep within me where no one can ever unbury those thoughts.

"Why do you need us as bait?" I try, but he just smiles.

"Blindfold them," he says coldly.

His two betas take pieces of cotton and tie them around our eyes. My heart races at the lack of sight. I don't like losing a sense. I feel lost. I feel hopeless. My hands are tied up against a wooden support block for the house's structure. My lips quiver, but I refuse to break. I now wonder where Cyprian and Aramis are in this room. I wonder if one of them is right next to me or completely across the room.

"Aramis? Cyprian?" I whisper, curious.

"Right here, Amaia," Aramis calls from the right of me. I sigh in relief, but I hear nothing from Cyprian.

"Where is he? Where's Cyprian?"

"Your boyfriend is out cold," I hear Kane laugh, "he's a weakling. He can't handle a scratch or two."

What did they do to him? Where's Cyprian? I bite my lip, I need the comfort of his voice right now. I need someone to tell me it's okay. I flinch at the feel of his finger on my collarbone, hovering next to my scar. Fire runs through my skin and bones and I swear that's all I am made of.

"Don't. Touch. Me," I manage to speak without sobbing.

He laughs then whispers in my ear, "Ask nicely and maybe I'll think about it. You're very tempting, love."

His finger traces my bottom lip and I take the chance and bite it. Hard. He swears under his breath and I can't help but smile. He deserved that one.

"I have to admit for a hunter, you have a strong bite," there's amusement in his voice. I just want to stab him, right now.

"Hey! Asshole, you touch her again and I'll make sure you die a painful and slow death," Aramis yells out.

Kane laughs, "You hunters amuse me. Your threats are so empty. It's childish. I love watching you, hunters, squirm."

I blow out a sigh and rest my head back against the wood. Maybe if I banged my head hard enough, God will release me from whatever torture I am about to experience.

"At least have some sympathy and finish whatever torture you will do to us," I mumble.

"Are you sure about that, love? Because I'm not sure you know what torture I have in store for you."

I'm almost scared to ask. What the hell is he planning, "...what?"

He comes close and whispers harshly into my ear, "I want you to watch your loved ones suffer."

I've never wished to be dead, but now I know why people wish for the graceful peace of death. Nobody should have to go through what I am about to experience. I keep my eyes closed as his hands brush the side of my face and he removes my blindfold.

"Open your eyes, love," he says, calmly.

"If you hurt any of them I will make sure you die a slow and painful death," I sput.

He laughs under his breath, "Your attitude hasn't changed a bit. It's still as fiery as ever. I love it."

I hold my head high and open my eyes to glare right at him. He's so sick and twisted that I'm not sure that there is a better half inside of him. He's an empty monster. Nothing more, if anything he's less.

"What are you going to do to them?" I manage to find the courage and ask.

"These two here? Nothing. I'm afraid the reason I needed you as bait was to draw your father here. See, Amaia, we don't care about you or the rest of your kind. We only care about hitting your blindspots- your leaders. Without leaders you all will bring death upon yourself."

I don't tell him the mistake in his plan; if one leader dies there will always be someone to replace them. But I realize no one could ever replace my father. He has more than just the job of leading this town. He also has to be my father and teach me rights and wrongs and always be there for me. Without him, our family will be incomplete.

My breathing races as I look over to where Cyprian lays unconscious on the floor. He has a red scratch across his face and I can't even tell if he's breathing. God I hope he is. And if I look to the right I can see Aramis tied up beside me. He seems tired. Tired of this life. Tired of fighting. But I guess I am too.

And I know my father is here when he screams my name.

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