I walked into the crib,all fucked up and bloody ready to be greeted with my own personal nurses,Beyoncé and Nicki.

'JAY OH MY GOD' Bey said running over to me and helping me to the couch,shit hurt like a bitch. 'NICKI GET THE KIT' she said as she pulled my jacket and shirt off my body. She knew exactly what to do,I always admire Bey for taking such good care of me,when I come home hurt and with a black eye or whatever it is,she always makes sure I'm okay before herself.

Whilst she examined my face and shirtless chest,I took some time to examine her features instead,those beautiful brown eyes,that gorgeous long blond hair,that perfect smile,that banging body. She was an extremely attractive woman,I've always thought that and had a special place for her in my heart. It's probably the most intimate we have ever been.

She sat on top of me and attacked all my bruises and deep cuts with the damn product who's name can't remember. Kanye had cut me a few times,but he didn't stab me fully. Bey delicately place detachable stitches on my harmed areas. She wiped my face with a towel and addressed the cut from my lip. She payed attention to every detail of my injuries. Like she always does. A cut from my head was gushing with blood and Bey just sat there holding a towel to my head refusing to let me move until it stops bleeding. Honestly I felt fine,but being in Beyoncé's hands made me feel a little better.

Nicki just stood there with a hilarious look on her face as if she thought me and Bey were on something. I laughed at her and she pouted at me.

Nicki is like a sister to me,almost blood. I'd do anything for either of these girls. Nicki being my sister and Beyoncé being my best friend,my best friend who I may or may not have feelings for,which is why I never addressed her as a sister.
Beyoncé's POV

'You gonna explain what happened now?' I said as I put the remaining of the plasters and stitches back into the emergency kit. I had already knew what Kanye did,I just wanted more details. It was evident Jay had just come from there due to the state of him. 'Come on boy,we don't have time for your dumbass all day' Nicki said making me giggling and Jay chuckle a little.

He explained everything from A to Z. He's in some big ass trouble if he can't come up with $255.000 dollars from that same dude. I have faith in Jay,but I just don't know if this is possible. He probably doesn't even remember the look of that guy. Damn it Jay.

'We have to help him' Nicki said,in a demanding tone. 'He'll die if he doesn't find that guy' she said on the verge of tears. Jay was like a big brother to her,if she lost him,she'd loose everything,even if I was here,they have this unbreakable bond. They were here before me, learnt about their history,they're all each other has,besides me.

'It's impossible' I said it understanding how we were gonna pull this off in 24 hours. We could just give Kanye $255.000 of our own money,but he's not stupid,he'd kill us all.
Jay's POV

It's around 12am,we're out looking for this guy,by we I mean Bey,Nicki and I. I don't want to die,I need to find this dude,my hours are slowly decreasing. I'm praying to God that he pulls through for me and won't let me die. Walking around these Brooklyn streets that are rat infested with piss everywhere,covered in graffiti and all types of mess,there is no sign of hope.

As the hours went by,there was no sign of any drug dealers in the area that I found this guy in. I have till 4pm and it's 6am. I'm not gonna stop,I just can't. I'm not dying today,not at all.

I couldn't stop thinking about that fact that I'm going to die today. Kanye is ruthless,he doesn't give a fuck. I promise myself i'd never do this,put myself in this much trouble,impacting Beyoncé and Nicki. I had to come to up with a plan for myself.
Beyoncé's POV

Time is of the essence. It's 3pm and we haven't found the guy,Jay's 24 hours are almost up. Tonight he's a dead man,we can't prevent that. I want to cry,scream,yell,just let all my emotions out. I love him. He can't go,I'd do anything for him to stay.

I got myself together and made my way down to the living room where I heard Nicki and Jay conversing.

'I gotta go,it's the only way I'll live Nicki' Jay said trying to make her understand. I could see from the look in her eyes she was about to cry. They couldn't see me,but I could for sure see them.

'Jay going on the run is just going to get you killed even faster,he'll have guys everywhere looking for you' she said putting her head in her hands. It broke me to see her like this,she really valued Jay's life as much as hers. I had never seen her so vulnerable.

Jay wanted to go on the run by himself,not gonna happen. He need someone with him,to protect. I voluntarily want to go with Jay,to make sure he stays alive,between the three of us we all know I'm more than capable.

'I don't know who could come with my Nick,I'll be fine,I promise' he said hugging her. 'What about Bey? She loves you Jay,leaving would break her' Nicki said making my eyes widen. Why the fuck does Jay know? I do love him but why does he know? 'I love her too,so much,but it's the best for me,if I stay here I die today,my emergency shit is already packed' Jay said making his mind up. I disregarded what he said about loving me and spoke up.

'I'm coming with you,say no words,don't prevent me,have your stuff ready in 10 minutes and say goodbye' I said walking out the room to grab my emergency supplies.
Jay's POV

Nicki and I both new that it was best for Bey to come with me. I got my shit in our emergency car that had a completely different license plate that no one around here new,tinted and bullet proof windows.

Bey packed her shit in the car and got in and we told Nicki the plan. 'We'll call you everyday,if you need us text us on the new number,keep out on look for Kanye and his goons and where they are and what they want. Be our guide,our eyes,our look out' Bey said getting straight to the point. I knew she was nervous. If we were found,we'd both die then and there,it scared her deeply,but I wouldn't let that happen.

I said my final goodbye to Nicki as well as Bey. We pulled off from the crib and we're on our way to god knows where,just out of here,with Bey driving. It was quiet,extremely quiet in the car. It's never normally like this. I couldn't tell if Beyoncé was mad or was just simply thinking. She just starred at the road,never breaking contact,not once. You could hear the voices from outside the car from people on the street. I looked at things from a normal persons point of view,watching drugs being dealt,watching the distribution take place,a sight that I've never experienced.

'Why did you wanna come?' I asked wanting straight answers,breaking the painful silence. 'To make sure you don't die,for Nicki,for myself,if I lost you I wouldn't be me anymore' she said as straight as possible not breaking contact with the road. 'Nuff love Bey,I got us,no worries,we know what we're doing' I said grabbing her hand and swallowing it with mine. She turned to me and smiled. 'I got you Jay,just like you got me.' She gave me a quick peck on the check lightening the mood and bringing a calm atmosphere.I knew having Bey with me would keep me sane,she's my remedy for everything,my go to,a women who I genuinely have feelings for.

In that moment,we were one,driving out the drug perimeter,awaiting what the upcoming months would bring us.

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