Chapter 15: Party Time Part 1

Start from the beginning

She nodded. "I haven't heard of anyone else, I think because I'm so close to all of this."

"Ok," I sighed out. "It will be ok, let's just see what Ethan says, ok?"

Shit, shit, shit, shit...

Ethan and I hadn't thought of that. I prayed inwardly that it was just Lyanna, that we wouldn't have a small group of wolves sparking a fire that did not need to happen just yet.

Lyanna nodded then walked over to stand next to Evan, who kissed her temple tenderly before giving me a tight smile; stress. We were all more than stressed, we couldn't afford for anything to go wrong tonight,

Ethan trotted downright as Billy, Jake, Ryder, and Andrea walked in. Ryder walked straight over to me and bumped me playfully. "What's up Ghostrider?"

I shook my head while I rolled my eyes as Elliot handed me a cup of coffee with a wink. Ethan shook Billy's hand then walked to the coffee pot while Andrea rubbed her cheek against mine. "You ok?"

I nodded. "Just ready to get this going."

She nodded then moved to stand next to Jake while Billy nodded at me with a smile. "Charlie."

"Billy," I replied into my mug as Ethan came to stand next to me, putting a protective arm around my waist.

"Ok everyone," Ethan said before he took a sip of his coffee. "How are we feeling? Before we talk about the plan, any concerns?"

"Well," Lyanna softly said.

Evan sighed and kissed her temple again then looked up at his brother. "She's not recognizing Thomas as her alpha, her beast isn't."

"What if she won't let me make the bond?" Lyanna asked. "She recognizes you and Charlotte, the thought of Thomas makes her lash out."

Ethan looked at me with eyes heavy with worry. We didn't anticipate that. We didn't anticipate someone rejecting Thomas; we didn't anticipate the pack turning on him this soon.

"Lyanna you're going to have to force her, work with her and talk with her," Ethan calmly explained. "She may fight it, but you're the master of your beast, she bends to your will."

"What if she doesn't? What then?" Evan asked ominously.

Ethan let out a hot breath. "Let's cross that bridge if it comes, alright?"

"Ethan what if that doesn't work?"

"We've never had it happen before."

"But that doesn't mean it couldn't," I replied back.

"I know, I don't know. No one can really force you to take a bond, we just need to keep her calm and relaxed," he thought out loud.

"Ok, I can do that,"I added.

He looked around while I leaned into his side, calming him. "Alright, let's go over the game plan. Tonight, after the initiation, they will handle Larissa's punishment. Char is going to ask for banishment, which we know will happen. Packs leaning that way and both Thomas and Miranda gave her their word that she could choose."

"Martin and I have some of our faster men ready," Ryder said as he leaned against the counter. "If she tries to go anywhere that is not Jaxon's boarder, then we will herd her there."

"Good," Ethan said into his mug. "We've talked with Jaxon and he's on board. He'll be waiting for us there. He will have guards with him Ryder and he's agreed to assist in pinning her down. I would send some of our guys ahead to link of with them so you can all coordinate."

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