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Alex didn't really know where she was headed, but it only seemed appropriate to hold the following conversation in the room where Jasper had told her what he was - the old chemistry lab. When she opened the door to the room with smoke lingering in the air, Jasper smiled. Everything had changed right there in that room, and he hoped that it would a second time.

"So..." Alex said she was standing awkwardly by a bench with Jasper just a few feet away from her. She suddenly grew a little bit nervous, she had no idea how to formulate herself.

"I've missed you."

Alex looked at Jasper, a smile threatening to slip onto her lips. "I've missed you, too. Thank you for giving me some space."

Jasper smiled, "don't say thank you - I owed you that, and I still do if that's what you want."

Alex sighed, before beginning. "No, no - I want to talk about this, about us. I think I got a bit overwhelmed when you came back, because I just felt like I had everyone in my ear telling me what to do and what to feel, when I was just... hurt. I just needed some time to sort things through, and I think I've done that now."

Jasper's mouth turned up slightly as she spoke, her voice being enough to send shivers down his spine. "So, what have you decided?"

"I don't think I have decided on anything. When it comes to you, I- I lack all judgement," she said, sighing. "I need you, one way or another, and I just think that, if you're still willing to, we could try and be... friends."

"Of course I do. You're my everything."

He sighed, something tugging at his heart at the words she spoke. He knew this would eventually not be enough, the thought making him feel selfish. The girl had just agreed to take small steps forward at least, and he was already thinking about the future. Instead, he shook the thought away, before responding to her.

Alex couldn't help but smile for a second at the comment, feeling her heartbeat go up as she thought of the old days. But just as quickly as it appeared, it was gone. She looked up at him and nodded, before reaching out her left hand towards him. He looked at it, before taking a step towards her and slinging his arms around her, making her widen her eyes in surprise, before quickly adapting.

The familiar feeling of his arms around her made her blush, as her hands sneaked up around him too. Jasper smiled as he felt her small hands rubbing circles at his back, making him shiver. Then, she let him go and cleared her throat awkwardly. He looked to the floor, feeling the tension in the air. Alex sighed, before crossing her arms over her chest.

"So, that's that..." Alex said, making Jasper smile just for a second before looking at her.

"Yes, that's indeed that," he spoke. He then sat down on a chair by a bench, Alex doing the same but sitting at the other side of the table, looking everywhere but at him.

"So, how are you doing?"

Alex lifted her eyebrows at his question, starting to stutter out an answer. "Well, I think I'm good. I'm glad that you're... not angry with me."

"Why would I be angry with you?"

"Because we haven't talked in, what, seven months?"

"Stop it," he said, shaking his head. "I'm not angry, nor do I have any reason to be." She smiled briefly at him, soon returning her gaze to her fingers. Jasper sighed, before looking at her intently. "But, what have you been doing? You were out the night we came home, you been doing that a lot?"

"Honestly, no. I rarely do anything outside my house. I guess I just wanted to be in control, and do the things I used to enjoy," Alex confessed, before smiling slightly and quickly. "I don't have that many friends anymore, and I thought it was nice to meet some new people."

"I can't remember the feeling of being drunk. As I'm trapped in this body, it's not possible for me. I suppose after seeing you Saturday morning, I don't really mind that either. You were not in good shape," Jasper stated, making Alex smile if only just a little.

"No, you're not really missing out. It's fun while it lasts, but when you're walking home in the middle of the night and can't even walk in a straight line..." Alex made a thinking face, "not so fun."

Jasper laughed slightly, feeling relieved to finally be in the presence of her without as heavy of a tension. Still, he could feel that she still was cold towards him, but he didn't mind in that moment. Then, his face fell. "I don't want you to think that I believe I have some kind of authority over you, but..."

Alex looked at him weirdly, but then nodded for him to continue. "I want you to not go home alone at night, especially not when you're drunk. We were all so worried after your phone-call that day, and remember what happened to Bella when she was in Port Angeles by herself. I don't want you to feel helpless or something because I know you're not, but still... I care about you too much for something to happen to you."

Alex's eyes were widened, she didn't know what to say immediately, and so she just nodded. Jasper looked at her intently, before he nodded as well. He took a step towards her, Alex taking in a sharp breath since the feeling of him being close to her gave her chills.

The blond boy raised his hand and put it on Alex's cheek, his cold skin against her felt more comforting than anything else. She couldn't look him in the eye as she felt that her walls would break completely if she did.

But, for a second, she chose to look up anyways and that was all it took for the moment to end completely. Jasper took his hand away and turned around and walked out of the room, his long strides taking him out in just a few seconds. Alex leaned against the bench and sighed through her confusion, smiling at him before turning and leaving the classroom.

She felt her heartbeat raising and it was impossible for her to calm it down, the effect he had on her was too strong and she knew it. Her cheek felt as if it was tingling after his touch disappeared, but she didn't care. That moment had felt better than anything had these last few months, even though it just lasted for a moment.

Dangerous - Jasper HaleWhere stories live. Discover now