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Alex woke up from the sound of the toilet in her bathroom was flushing, and out came Tom. His hair was messy and his lips were cracked, but more significant was his mood. It didn't take an empath to see that Tom was having the hangover of his existence.

"I will never drink again," he mumbled before throwing himself on Alex's bed. She chuckled.

"I'm pretty sure I've heard that one before," she said while swatting him away from her bed. Tom sighed.

"I'm serious this time, I will never ever consume this beverage created by Satan again."

"Good luck with that Larsen, good luck. I'm going to go and take a shower, try to wake Becca up and fold the extra bed together when I'm gone," she said, seeing something glimmer in Tom's eyes.

"When I'm gone, you're gonna miss me when I'm gone. You're gonna miss-"

"I'm not listening," Alex said while laughing and trying to escape Tom's awful singing with clean clothes in her hands. The boy laughed as she closed the door behind her, heading over to the sink to brush her teeth and drink some water since her mouth was dryer than ever.

She then jumped in the shower, shaving her legs and washing her hair and body as quickly as possible since she was hungry and wanted breakfast.

Once she was dressed in her red shirt and black plaid skirt she left the bathroom and came out to see Becca and Tom talking about something. The bed was folded up and ready to take away, and the two of them were dressed.

"How do you feel about breakfast?" Alex said, seeing the two smile widely.

"Food!" Becca half-yelled, before opening the door and running down the stairs towards the kitchen with Tom close behind. Alex laughed at them before following them with a slower pace. She ordered them to take out eggs from the fridge as well as bacon, and then they started to cook the first meal of the day together all three of them.

The phone on the counter of the kitchen started to ring, Alex swiftly reached for it and accepted the call as she put the phone to her ear.

"Hello?" she said, smiling when she heard the voice on the other end of the line.

"Little sister, I miss you!" Josh said, she could hear his smile through the phone.

"And I miss you kind of really much too Josh, when are you coming home next?" she said, making him hum for a second as he thought.

"Well that would be... two weeks," he said, making Alex widen her eyes. It was usually really far between Josh's visits, and she really missed her brother.

"Seriously? That's awesome," she said, before looking at the two of her friends who were talking with hushed voices over by the stove. Her eyes widened when she saw the thick smoke rising from the frying pan, making her panic internally.

"Josh, I have to go, you'll have to call later, bye," she hung up before listening to his response, as she ran over to her friends.

"I leave you alone for twenty seconds and you burn the food!" Alex yelled as she turned off the stove which was on the highest temperature. She tried to grab the pan from Tom who was frozen in place as he held it tightly in his hand, making it impossible to grab.

Finally the boy regained some sense, and quickly started yelling. "What do I do, what do I do?"

"Give it to me, blockhead!" Becca yelled and grabbed it with both hands when he finally released it. She ran over to the door and opened it, before putting it down in the thin layer of snow that had stuck around over the winter. It slowly but surely stopped smoking.

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