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"What's his problem?" Isaac said, looking after Jasper as he moved out of the school. The Cullens had all followed him out, worried about his mental state.

"Mood swings," Alex simply said, looking after him as well. She was divided - one part of her was annoyed with him, but the other one was just straight up confused and longed to know more.

"Well those are some severe fucking mood swings Alex, he's bad news."

"Let's just drop it, okay? I don't want to talk about it." Alex said, feeling slightly desperate for answers. It had been fine the entire day, what changed him so quickly?

The two of them slowly began walking towards physics class, one of the few they had together. "So, I heard you missed the monopoly tournament yesterday," Isaac said, chuckling as the girls eyes grew wide, successfully distracting her from her own mind.

"Oh shit, has Tom said anything?" she said, looking around to see if he was anywhere close.

"Are you kidding me? He called me at one am this morning, he was furious. You're in trouble my friend," he said while laughing, making her squint her eyes together as she imagined different scenarios of Tom confronting her.

As they were sitting in the classroom, Alex heard a knock on the window. She looked up and to the left, to see Tom, eyes wide open and burning with fury. This might seem like an overreaction to some, but the love he had for monopoly was bigger than anything. He felt like someone left him at the altar when she didn't show up.

Alex looked at him with a pleading gaze, hands together as she was begging him to forgive her wordlessly through the window. His arms were crossed at his chest as he shook his head, looking at her with disappointment in his eyes.

"Excuse me Miss Taylor, is there something more interesting going on?" the teacher, Mrs. Davidson, said, looking at the girl with a smirk. Alex looked away from Tom and saw that everyone were looking at her, amusement written over their faces.

"Well yeah, but I will pay attention to you anyways," Alex said, smiling at her teacher who glared at her slightly before turning back to the class. Isaac silently laughed next to her for the next five minutes, while Alex did as she'd said she would, paying attention while the teacher was going through the basics on radioactivity. She actually found it very interesting, so it wasn't that hard to stay focused.

Two classes later Alex stood by her locker, putting her calculus stuff back in before turning around just in time to see Edward walking down the hallway.

"Hey, Edward," she yelled, walking towards him quickly.

"Sorry Alex, I don't have ti-"

"Where's Jasper? What happened earlier?" she said, not giving a flying fuck about him not having "the time" to talk to her. He just looked at her for a while, before answering.

"He's at home, he wasn't feeling well," he said, looking at her seriously before turning around and walking away. Alex stood still for a while and looked after him as he walked towards the parking lot, before shaking her head and snapping back to reality, walking over to Tom's locker.

Said boy was standing and talking to a guy named Sam, laughing at something he'd said. He then looked up slightly and saw her over Sam's shoulder, he excused himself and came over to her.

"Tom, I'm so sorry I didn't show up yesterday," Alex started, before she saw him smiling at her.

"Relax precious, nothing to worry about."

"What, why?" she was thoroughly confused to say the least.

"Well, I was just talking to Becca who told me who you were with yesterday." Alex was just about to ask him how Becca had known, but she was cut off. "She was at your house yesterday and your mother told her, but that's not the point. The point is that I totally ship it, so it's fine."

Alex looked at him wide eyed as he began to laugh. "Why are everyone saying that?!" Alex said, referring to her previous conversation with Becca.

"Because it's OTP as fuck." Tom was still laughing at her reaction as they reached the cafeteria for lunch. They stood in line and discussed current matters, before heading towards their table where Becca and Isaac were already seated.

"No, if you're facing a 100 ducksized horses you could step on them, or kick them away or something. On giant duck would just kill you instantly!" Becca said loudly as they got to the table, glaring at Isaac.

"Well, you could ride on the giant duck, you wouldn't have to fight it if you just get up on it! By the way, a hundred tiny horses would swarm you, bite you to death. No way that you would make it out," Isaac retorted.

"Please not this again, last time this discussion came up you two didn't speak for a week," Alex said as she sat her tray down next to Becca.

"Not my fault that he lacks judgement completely," she said, crossing her arms and frowning at him. Alex chuckled at them, before starting to twist her fork around in the plate filled with spaghetti. She looked over her shoulder, and saw that only two out of five Cullens were present at the table. Rosalie and Alice didn't speak nor eat, they were staring out the window.

Alex wanted to go over and talk to them, but she felt like she wouldn't get much more out of them than at her previous encounter with Edward. She slowly turned around, her mood lower instantly. She didn't really know why she cared so much. She supposed that it was because she always felt a little bit better near him, quite literally she just felt calm when he was around. She rarely spoke to people outside her little group, and the Cullens had instantly made her feel at home. 

The rest of the day was a blur. Classes went by but she didn't seem to register anything. She was just tired and she wanted nothing more than to go home. When the final class was over after what had felt like an eternity, she left the room with her already packed bag slung over her shoulder, she walked to the parking lot and was just about to leave when she saw Emmett walking towards her. She took out the earphones she'd just put in, and slowed down her pace in front of him.

"Hey," he said, looking at her expectantly.

"Where have you been?" Alex said, not bothering with the courtesies.

"I've been looking for Jasper," he admitted with a heavy sigh, "but we couldn't find him."

"Edward said he was at home, that he was sick."

"Well, he's not." Emmett said, before pausing for a while. "Are you coming?"


"To my place, we have to finish the assignment. I'm leaving tomorrow, remember?"

"Okay then, I'm coming," Alex said, following the boy in front of her to the black jeep.

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