3. Interrogation

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I shook my head and looked at the other two, who were tying very hard not to laugh.

"You're not very self-conscious for a girl with social anxiety." said Hoodie.

"Yeah, well, I'm already kinda used to you guys. Friends, even. Even though I've only known you for... three hours." she said. Hoodie nodded in understanding.

"So, where do you guys live? Do you have a family?" she asked.

We were silent.

"Sorry. Touchy subject. Sorry. My family isn't the best either. My mom died when I was little, and my dad... abandoned me. I never met him until a year ago." she said.

We looked at her. She was looking at her hands. No more goofy smile. No more fun attitude.

"Sorry about your parents" I said

She gave a small chuckle.

"That's one of my favorite songs by Icon For Hire. Ever heard of them?" she said.

"Yeah, I like their music too." Hoodie said.

Toby seemed to be feeling out place, so he did what he was best at: being annoying and goddamn fucking hyperactive.

"Hey, Masky, Hey Masky! Maybe we should take her to the-"

"NO." I said

"But the boss said-"


"Mmaaaasskkyyyyyyy!" He whined.

I groaned.

"Nooooooooooooo!" I said, mimicking his whining voice.

(y/n) snorted.

"Sounds like me when my personalities start arguing with each other like they're separate people. It's actually kinda funny when you look back at it. I mean, who argues with themselves?"

"Welcome to my world." Hoodie mumbled, leaning his forehead on his hand.

"These two argue non-stop. It's amazing they held out so long."

She giggled again.

She's actually really cute when she giggles like that... wait... WHAT?

~TIME SKIP- Cuz I'm lazy and need a space filler!~

~Hoodie's PoV~

It was getting late, and we had to leave so she wouldn't notice us stalking her.

Oh, man... that sounded creepy. Oh, who the fuck cares? We're serial killers.

We walked down the road, just far enough to look like we're gone, then snuck back towards her house.

I've never talked this much in the time period of four hours. That's very strange. What is it about this girl that seems so... hypnotic?

From inside I could hear her voice.

"Come on, Felix. I know you're there."

Felix? Who's Felix? I swear I'll kill him if he dares come near-


Her? I searched for the source of the sound, seeing a black cat with bright green eyes on her kitchen counter.

"Hey, buddy. Where were you? You just missed the others!" she said, stroking the feline.

A cat? It was just a cat.

I softly sighed in relief.

In the distance, I could hear faint static.


Proxy Problems (Creepypasta x Reader)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat