1. Operation: Undercover

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3rd person PoV

The office was silent as three teenagers waited for the 'Man in Charge' to speak.

They weren't in trouble, or at least they were sure they weren't.

The office was neat and organized. A desk in the middle, three chairs in front of it and a large window behind it. Next to the desk, pushed against the walls, were bookcases filled to the brim with binders, folders, and books. Behind the desk, sat the tall, pale figure, who now stared at the three boys, thinking carefully over how he was going to explain their... assignment. He wore a black suit and a red tie.

Very formal in comparison with the rest of the people who were busy elsewhere in the building.

The three boys, were dressed casually, choosing comfort over looks.

The one on the right had a brown jacket with a blue hood, jeans and sneakers. The one in the middle had a tan jacket, grey pants and combat boots, a video camera in his hand. The last one, the one on the left, had on a yellow hoodie, light blue jeans and black running shoes.

"I have called you three in, because I have a mission of utmost importance for you. You will go undercover and pose as regular teenaged boys in attempt to befriend a girl, who will later become a proxy, if plans work out right. It is an easy assignment, but an important one. I trust that you will not disappoint me." said the faceless being in the minds of the boys. Having no mouth, he communicated telepathically.

"I-if it's so easy, w-why don't you d-do it yours-self? You don't u-usually send us o-on the easy t-tasks." said the stuttering boy on the right, fiddling a bit with his orange goggles.

The boy in the middle elbowed the goggled boy and furiously hissed: "Toby! Don't say that! You know what happened last time-"

"Oh, s-stick it, Timothy" said the boy now known as Toby.

"Grr, That's it!" Tim snarled.

"Masky, Toby, stop bickering. I asked you to go because the girl will expect it if it were me, and will not agree. Let's just say that our previous encounters... got off on the wrong track. I have not enrolled you in her high school, because it would be suspicious if you suddenly disappeared when the mission is complete. Does that offer enough clarity?"

"Yes. T-thank you sir. C'mon you two." said the quiet boy on the left, standing up.

"Your mission papers, Brian."

"Oh, hehe... right..." he said, turning around and taking the papers. He gestured for his partners to follow him.

They stepped silently out of the office, trying to avoid any attention from their overly-curious housemates.

The Mansion they resided in was huge. There were at least a dozen bedrooms, one for each of the residents plus more, each bedroom with their own personal attached bathroom. There was a large kitchen and an even larger dining room next to it.

The kitchen and dining room was on the first floor, directly underneath the long corridors of bedrooms, the stairs leading to them right next to it. Across from the kitchen was the living room, which had a huge flat-screen TV, various gaming consoles, a couple of couches and a bookcase. This was the room the boys avoided a lot, seeing as most of the residents were in the living room, and the boys don't always like attention. Well, except for Toby. 

They knew that as soon as they get called in by Slenderman, they were either in trouble or going on another exciting mission. The three were the only ones who were actually sent on missions, since they are Slender's Proxies.

So, the boys silently retreated to the kitchen for some snacks. Masky and Hoodie settled with cheesecake, while Toby went crazy with waffles, drowning them in syrup and basically making a huge mess. Masky was trying to lecture him about his messiness, and Toby kept poking him. Hoodie, being used to their quarreling, sat quietly and ate his cheesecake.

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